Media Studies
Global TV Horror
Dramas of Nationhood
Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art
Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga
Kinaesthetic Knowing
Designs of Destruction
From Voice to Influence
The Digital Factory
Love in the Mirror
The Internet and the Madonna
Changing Minds or Changing Channels?
Crash Cultures
Combative Politics
Reclaiming Fair Use
New Patterns in Global Television Formats
An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Performance Art
From the Score to the Stage
Lateness and Longing
A Mieke Bal Reader
Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe
Friendship as Social Justice Activism
Made to Be Seen
How Slavoj Became Zizek
The Projectionists
From Theory to Practice
Towards a Praxis-based Media and Journalism Research
I Love You Terribly
No. 731 Degraw-street, Brooklyn, or Emily Dickinson’s Sister
Experimenting the Human
Switching Codes
Mel Gibson’s Bible
Taken by Storm
Digital Visual Culture
Digital Technology and Democratic Theory
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
Life by Algorithms
Superman: The Movie
Pictures and the Past
The Social Use of Media
Radical Initiatives in Interventionist & Community Drama
Sensing the City through Television
Language and the Rise of the Algorithm
Material Media-Making in the Digital Age
Media, Monarchy and Power
News at Work
Screen Education
The Nightwatches of Bonaventura
Engaging with Reality
European Culture and the Media
Media, Democracy and European Culture
Music and Digital Media
The Return of "Twin Peaks"
Paul Klee
Making the News
Spirit and System
Understanding Media
Campaigning for Hearts and Minds
The New Politics of Visibility
Stephen King on the Small Screen
Atmospheres of Projection
Old Media and the Medieval Concept
Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs
Italian TV Drama and Beyond
Television Antiheroines
The Camera Does the Rest
Off-Screen Cinema
Mediation and Protest Movements
Reclaiming the Media
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
A Fan’s Life
Novel Ecologies
Media Materialities
Under the Counter
Synthetic Worlds
A Thousand Screenplays
High-Profile Crimes
Turning On the Mind
Media in the Enlarged Europe
An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Film Studies
Cinematic Howling
Under the White Gaze
Robert Paul and the Origins of British Cinema
Entanglements of Two
Videogames and Art
Worst Cases
Imaginary Apparatus
The Flash Press
The Place of Artists’ Cinema
TV Museum
Governing With the News, Second Edition
Finding Augusta
Gurus and Media
RTE and the Globalisation of Irish Television
Sonic Flux
Aesthetic Journalism
The Cultural Impact of RuPaul’s Drag Race
The Scientific Journal
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
6+1 Proposals for Journalism
The Art of the Blues
Exposing Vulnerability
Theater of War
Television and Criticism
Media Between Culture and Commerce
China’s Environment and China’s Environment Journalists
Reinventing Public Service Television for the Digital Future
Transnationalism and Genre Hybridity in New British Horror Cinema
Liquidity, Flows, Circulation
Spanish Cinema of the New Millennium
Atlas, or the Anxious Gay Science
Games of Terror
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
The Origins of Cool in Postwar America
Wong Kar-wai’s Ashes of Time
Compatriots or Competitors?
Theatre Theory Reader
Inventing the Alphabet
The Global Road Movie
Bas Jan Ader
Seeing Green
New Zealand Film and Television
Media Pluralism and Online News
The Impact of Touch in Dance Movement Psychotherapy
The Experimenters
Awake in the Dark
Scorsese by Ebert
[Grid< >Matrix]
Window - Interface
Media and the Mind
Globalizing American Studies
School Yearbook
Journalism Re-examined
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies IV
Artificial Darkness
Gossip Men
Women Playwrights of Early Modern Spain
The Black Image in the White Mind
Projections of Power
Creative Infrastructures
Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich
Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics
The Metaphysics of Media
Staging Revolution
John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow
Opening Up
Guerrilla Marketing
Nixon at the Movies
Hollywood in Havana
Archives of the Insensible
Going to War in Iraq
Understanding Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey
Personal Style Blogs
Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones
Natures of Data
Grand Illusion
Troubling Vision
Unbecoming Cinema
Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Soviet Factography
Europe Faces Europe
Signifying Europe
The Power of Journalists
Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting
The Cult of Creativity
From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics
News Values
What Is Happening to News
Technology and Desire
The Brush and the Pen
Freaks Talk Back
Fantastic Short Stories by Women Authors from Spain and Latin America
Hollywood North
Radio Content in the Digital Age
In Defense of Negativity
Inadvertent Images
Blowin’ Hot and Cool
Freedom from the Press
Digital Culture
The Paradox of Democracy
Down and Out in the New Economy
Why Americans Hate Welfare
What Editors Do
Fear Reverence Terror
Dislocating China
Britpop Cinema
Is It Nation Time?
Queer Mythologies
Unveiling Secrets of War in the Peruvian Andes
The Urban Spectator
Modern Luck
Orphan Black
Processing Politics
Patty’s Got a Gun
Selling the Race
Enduring Truths
The Money Shot
Media, Markets and Public Spheres
The TVs of Tomorrow
Warhol’s Working Class
Newsprint Metropolis
The Attractions of the Moving Image
Ageing with Smartphones in Japan
The New Female Antihero
Outside the Gates of Eden
The Melodramatic Moment
Global Communication Electric
The Fiction of America
Foreign News
No Caption Needed
The Public Image
Theater after Film
Australian TV News
The Chicagoan
Political Tone
A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
From Reverence to Rape
From Melies to New Media
An Anthropological Approach to mHealth
How We Think
Wuthering Heights on Film and Television
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
Posthuman Gothic
Shaking the World for Jesus
What’s Fair on the Air?
When the News Broke
The Postal Age
Brushstroke and Emergence
Numbered Voices
Travels in Intermediality
Phenomenology’s Material Presence
Artistic License
Aristotle in Hollywood
Fan Phenomena: James Bond
Frames of Mind
Film, Music, Memory
On Boredom
British TV and Film Culture in the 1950s
The Cosmic Zoom
Radioactive Documentary
Wicked Intelligence
Critique and the Digital
Who’s Who in Research: Media Studies
Photography, Trace, and Trauma
Is Anyone Responsible?
The Making of Macau’s Fusion Cuisine
The Studio Reader
People’s Pornography
Experimental Games
Network Aesthetics
Finding the Right Place on the Map
Chandragupta Maurya
Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era
Transformative Media
Global Technological Change
Phenomenology for Actors
The Global Work of Art
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2017
Broadcasting and National Imagination in Post-Communist Latvia
The Nixon Memo
Polish Media Art in an Expanded Field
Chromatic Algorithms
Making Local News
Power to the People
Fashion in Popular Culture
Gen Z, Explained
Automatic Architecture
Buying and Believing
The Return of the Moguls
Sound Reporting
Posthumanism and the Graphic Novel in Latin America
Distant Early Warning
Scripted Culture
Narrative Interplay in the Digital Era
Reaching Audiences
Picturing the Cosmos
Spaces in European Cinema
Data Equals
How We Became Our Data
Nightmares in the Dream Sanctuary
Starring Mandela and Cosby
Gendered Transformations
Chinese Cinema
The Art of Advertising, The
Vintage Advertising
Television Courtroom Broadcasting
The Wikimedia Movement in Canada
Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan
Conflict Graffiti
Radio’s America
Follow the Leader?
America, Compromised
Digital Experience Design
How Partisan Media Polarize America
The Channeled Image
Cracking Up
The Soul of Beijing Opera
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Friending the Past
The Laws of Cool
The Freudian Robot
Audiences and Publics
Frames and Fictions on Television
Staging Nation
Consuming Religion
Taking Up McLuhan’s Cause
The Last Mixtape
Sounding Human
Context Providers
Kurt Schwitters
Invisible Presence
Image Critique and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Policing Contingencies
Corporate Futures
Paolo Sorrentino’s Cinema and Television
The Positive Case for Negative Campaigning
Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities
Two Visionary Brothers
The Accidental Diarist
Best Laid Plans
The Light Club
City of Newsmen
The British Media and Bloody Sunday
Revolution in the Echo Chamber
Developing Dialogues
The Alexander Medvedkin Reader
Seeing Silicon Valley
Contacts Desired
Digital Platforms and the Press
Data Grab
Systems We Have Loved
Writing National Cinema
Hidden Hitchcock
Harm and Offence in Media Content
Cloning Terror
Critical Terms for Media Studies
Image Science
Documenting the World
Fan Phenomena: Disney
Joshua Sofaer
Making Hispanics
Pilgrimage to Dollywood
New Flows in Global TV
TV Format Mogul
TV Formats Worldwide
Screening the Operatic Stage
The Ashtray
Get the Picture
Race and Photography
Media and Values
Planet Cosplay
Broadcasting Diversity
Wayang and Its Doubles
Andy Warhol, Publisher
Design for Business
Design for Business
Design for Business
Diasporas of Australian Cinema
Redefining Theatre Communities
The Blaxploitation Horror Film
Mechanisms of Trust
Selling Fear
Doing Style
Language of Tomorrow
Imprint and Trace
The Professionalisation of Political Communication
Common Knowledge
The Apple II Age
The Theatrical Baroque
Cultural Industries in Shanghai
Media, Monarchy and Power
The Iconoclastic Imagination
Digital Radio in Europe
Insights in Applied Theatre
Touching Photographs
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile
Women’s Lives
Who Deliberates?
Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art
The Last Emperor Revisited
Devising Theatre & Performance
Sine Ni Lav Diaz
Truth or Dare
Transglobal Fashion Narratives
Architectures of Illusion
The Postdigital Membrane
Radical Artifice
Speaking into the Air
Citizen Voices
Computer Game Worlds
Fan Phenomena: The Lord of the Rings
Culture, Technology and the Image
Book Was There
The Philosophical Hitchcock
Robert Bresson
The Catholic Church and American Culture
A Small Corner of Hell
Far Field
That’s the Way It Is
An Ordinary Man
Post-Ethical Society
Producing Children’s Television in the On-demand Age
Coming Together
Speaking of Abortion
Broadcasting for Wales
Children and Propaganda
Redefining Geek
Slow TV
Trends in Communication Policy Research
Reading Today
Digital Divisions
Culture War
The Media Equation
The Decision Between Us
Consumer Identities
Effective Journalism
What Philosophy Wants from Images
The Poet and the Publisher
Representing Talent
Early Royko
One More Time
The Culture of Calamity
Picturing Culture
Global Narratives of Russian Disinformation
Matt Saunders
Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!!
Journalism and Technological Change
Tsui Hark’s Zu
The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies
Otto Meyer - Amden
Connect and Divide
Selling War
The Media-Democracy Paradox in Ghana
Window Shopping with Helen Keller
Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication
Politicians Don’t Pander
Bangladesh’s Changing Mediascape
Inclusion in New Danish Cinema
New Television
Chinese Opera
A Political Economy of Canadian Broadcasting
Human Rights In Camera
Taste and the TV Chef
Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation
The Architecture of Aftermath
Cultural Locations of Disability
Sound Reporting, Second Edition
Make Room for TV
TV by Design
A Field Guide to a New Meta-field
Ribbon of Darkness
Switching to Digital Television
Anarchitectural Experiments
Malaysiakini and the Power of Independent Media in Malaysia
Interspecies Communication
Closed Circuits
The Casual
Front Page Economics
Dysfunction and Decentralization in New Media Art and Education
Second Lives
Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together
European Journalism Education
European Media Governance
European Media Governance
Interacting with Print
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine
Inside the TV Newsroom
The Philosopher of Palo Alto
National Conversations
Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
Media in Europe Today
The Art of Mechanical Reproduction
Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics
Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars
The Idols of ISIS
The Democratic Surround
Breaking Up America
We Europeans?
Between the Black Box and the White Cube
Communication and Discourse Theory
Theater of the Mind
Traumatic Encounters in Italian Film
Food Democracy
Music, Race, and Nation
The View from Somewhere
All the Rage
Lyric Personhood
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China
Out of Whiteness
Advertising and Identity in Europe
’I am an American’
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Top 40 Democracy
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Dance, Disability and Law
The Inspiration Machine
Sound Writing
Journalism Ethics
Big Culture
The Matter of Black Living
A Cultural History of The Punisher
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Dance Studies in China
Reading Sounds
Covering the Body
Remembering to Forget
John Heartfield and the Agitated Image
Queer TV China
John Waters - How Much Can You Take?
The Afterlife of Data
Dramas of Nationhood
Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art
Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga
Kinaesthetic Knowing
Designs of Destruction
From Voice to Influence
The Digital Factory
Love in the Mirror
The Internet and the Madonna
Changing Minds or Changing Channels?
Crash Cultures
Combative Politics
Reclaiming Fair Use
New Patterns in Global Television Formats
An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Performance Art
From the Score to the Stage
Lateness and Longing
A Mieke Bal Reader
Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe
Friendship as Social Justice Activism
Made to Be Seen
How Slavoj Became Zizek
The Projectionists
From Theory to Practice
Towards a Praxis-based Media and Journalism Research
I Love You Terribly
No. 731 Degraw-street, Brooklyn, or Emily Dickinson’s Sister
Experimenting the Human
Switching Codes
Mel Gibson’s Bible
Taken by Storm
Digital Visual Culture
Digital Technology and Democratic Theory
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
Life by Algorithms
Superman: The Movie
Pictures and the Past
The Social Use of Media
Radical Initiatives in Interventionist & Community Drama
Sensing the City through Television
Language and the Rise of the Algorithm
Material Media-Making in the Digital Age
Media, Monarchy and Power
News at Work
Screen Education
The Nightwatches of Bonaventura
Engaging with Reality
European Culture and the Media
Media, Democracy and European Culture
Music and Digital Media
The Return of "Twin Peaks"
Paul Klee
Making the News
Spirit and System
Understanding Media
Campaigning for Hearts and Minds
The New Politics of Visibility
Stephen King on the Small Screen
Atmospheres of Projection
Old Media and the Medieval Concept
Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs
Italian TV Drama and Beyond
Television Antiheroines
The Camera Does the Rest
Off-Screen Cinema
Mediation and Protest Movements
Reclaiming the Media
Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image
A Fan’s Life
Novel Ecologies
Media Materialities
Under the Counter
Synthetic Worlds
A Thousand Screenplays
High-Profile Crimes
Turning On the Mind
Media in the Enlarged Europe
An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Film Studies
Cinematic Howling
Under the White Gaze
Robert Paul and the Origins of British Cinema
Entanglements of Two
Videogames and Art
Worst Cases
Imaginary Apparatus
The Flash Press
The Place of Artists’ Cinema
TV Museum
Governing With the News, Second Edition
Finding Augusta
Gurus and Media
RTE and the Globalisation of Irish Television
Sonic Flux
Aesthetic Journalism
The Cultural Impact of RuPaul’s Drag Race
The Scientific Journal
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
6+1 Proposals for Journalism
The Art of the Blues
Exposing Vulnerability
Theater of War
Television and Criticism
Media Between Culture and Commerce
China’s Environment and China’s Environment Journalists
Reinventing Public Service Television for the Digital Future
Transnationalism and Genre Hybridity in New British Horror Cinema
Liquidity, Flows, Circulation
Spanish Cinema of the New Millennium
Atlas, or the Anxious Gay Science
Games of Terror
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
The Origins of Cool in Postwar America
Wong Kar-wai’s Ashes of Time
Compatriots or Competitors?
Theatre Theory Reader
Inventing the Alphabet
The Global Road Movie
Bas Jan Ader
Seeing Green
New Zealand Film and Television
Media Pluralism and Online News
The Impact of Touch in Dance Movement Psychotherapy
The Experimenters
Awake in the Dark
Scorsese by Ebert
[Grid< >Matrix]
Window - Interface
Media and the Mind
Globalizing American Studies
School Yearbook
Journalism Re-examined
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies IV
Artificial Darkness
Gossip Men
Women Playwrights of Early Modern Spain
The Black Image in the White Mind
Projections of Power
Creative Infrastructures
Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich
Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics
The Metaphysics of Media
Staging Revolution
John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow
Opening Up
Guerrilla Marketing
Nixon at the Movies
Hollywood in Havana
Archives of the Insensible
Going to War in Iraq
Understanding Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey
Personal Style Blogs
Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones
Natures of Data
Grand Illusion
Troubling Vision
Unbecoming Cinema
Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Soviet Factography
Europe Faces Europe
Signifying Europe
The Power of Journalists
Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting
The Cult of Creativity
From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics
News Values
What Is Happening to News
Technology and Desire
The Brush and the Pen
Freaks Talk Back
Fantastic Short Stories by Women Authors from Spain and Latin America
Hollywood North
Radio Content in the Digital Age
In Defense of Negativity
Inadvertent Images
Blowin’ Hot and Cool
Freedom from the Press
Digital Culture
The Paradox of Democracy
Down and Out in the New Economy
Why Americans Hate Welfare
What Editors Do
Fear Reverence Terror
Dislocating China
Britpop Cinema
Is It Nation Time?
Queer Mythologies
Unveiling Secrets of War in the Peruvian Andes
The Urban Spectator
Modern Luck
Orphan Black
Processing Politics
Patty’s Got a Gun
Selling the Race
Enduring Truths
The Money Shot
Media, Markets and Public Spheres
The TVs of Tomorrow
Warhol’s Working Class
Newsprint Metropolis
The Attractions of the Moving Image
Ageing with Smartphones in Japan
The New Female Antihero
Outside the Gates of Eden
The Melodramatic Moment
Global Communication Electric
The Fiction of America
Foreign News
No Caption Needed
The Public Image
Theater after Film
Australian TV News
The Chicagoan
Political Tone
A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
From Reverence to Rape
From Melies to New Media
An Anthropological Approach to mHealth
How We Think
Wuthering Heights on Film and Television
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
Posthuman Gothic
Shaking the World for Jesus
What’s Fair on the Air?
When the News Broke
The Postal Age
Brushstroke and Emergence
Numbered Voices
Travels in Intermediality
Phenomenology’s Material Presence
Artistic License
Aristotle in Hollywood
Fan Phenomena: James Bond
Frames of Mind
Film, Music, Memory
On Boredom
British TV and Film Culture in the 1950s
The Cosmic Zoom
Radioactive Documentary
Wicked Intelligence
Critique and the Digital
Who’s Who in Research: Media Studies
Photography, Trace, and Trauma
Is Anyone Responsible?
The Making of Macau’s Fusion Cuisine
The Studio Reader
People’s Pornography
Experimental Games
Network Aesthetics
Finding the Right Place on the Map
Chandragupta Maurya
Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era
Transformative Media
Global Technological Change
Phenomenology for Actors
The Global Work of Art
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2017
Broadcasting and National Imagination in Post-Communist Latvia
The Nixon Memo
Polish Media Art in an Expanded Field
Chromatic Algorithms
Making Local News
Power to the People
Fashion in Popular Culture
Gen Z, Explained
Automatic Architecture
Buying and Believing
The Return of the Moguls
Sound Reporting
Posthumanism and the Graphic Novel in Latin America
Distant Early Warning
Scripted Culture
Narrative Interplay in the Digital Era
Reaching Audiences
Picturing the Cosmos
Spaces in European Cinema
Data Equals
How We Became Our Data
Nightmares in the Dream Sanctuary
Starring Mandela and Cosby
Gendered Transformations
Chinese Cinema
The Art of Advertising, The
Vintage Advertising
Television Courtroom Broadcasting
The Wikimedia Movement in Canada
Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan
Conflict Graffiti
Radio’s America
Follow the Leader?
America, Compromised
Digital Experience Design
How Partisan Media Polarize America
The Channeled Image
Cracking Up
The Soul of Beijing Opera
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Friending the Past
The Laws of Cool
The Freudian Robot
Audiences and Publics
Frames and Fictions on Television
Staging Nation
Consuming Religion
Taking Up McLuhan’s Cause
The Last Mixtape
Sounding Human
Context Providers
Kurt Schwitters
Invisible Presence
Image Critique and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Policing Contingencies
Corporate Futures
Paolo Sorrentino’s Cinema and Television
The Positive Case for Negative Campaigning
Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities
Two Visionary Brothers
The Accidental Diarist
Best Laid Plans
The Light Club
City of Newsmen
The British Media and Bloody Sunday
Revolution in the Echo Chamber
Developing Dialogues
The Alexander Medvedkin Reader
Seeing Silicon Valley
Contacts Desired
Digital Platforms and the Press
Data Grab
Systems We Have Loved
Writing National Cinema
Hidden Hitchcock
Harm and Offence in Media Content
Cloning Terror
Critical Terms for Media Studies
Image Science
Documenting the World
Fan Phenomena: Disney
Joshua Sofaer
Making Hispanics
Pilgrimage to Dollywood
New Flows in Global TV
TV Format Mogul
TV Formats Worldwide
Screening the Operatic Stage
The Ashtray
Get the Picture
Race and Photography
Media and Values
Planet Cosplay
Broadcasting Diversity
Wayang and Its Doubles
Andy Warhol, Publisher
Design for Business
Design for Business
Design for Business
Diasporas of Australian Cinema
Redefining Theatre Communities
The Blaxploitation Horror Film
Mechanisms of Trust
Selling Fear
Doing Style
Language of Tomorrow
Imprint and Trace
The Professionalisation of Political Communication
Common Knowledge
The Apple II Age
The Theatrical Baroque
Cultural Industries in Shanghai
Media, Monarchy and Power
The Iconoclastic Imagination
Digital Radio in Europe
Insights in Applied Theatre
Touching Photographs
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile
Women’s Lives
Who Deliberates?
Decolonizing Science in Latin American Art
The Last Emperor Revisited
Devising Theatre & Performance
Sine Ni Lav Diaz
Truth or Dare
Transglobal Fashion Narratives
Architectures of Illusion
The Postdigital Membrane
Radical Artifice
Speaking into the Air
Citizen Voices
Computer Game Worlds
Fan Phenomena: The Lord of the Rings
Culture, Technology and the Image
Book Was There
The Philosophical Hitchcock
Robert Bresson
The Catholic Church and American Culture
A Small Corner of Hell
Far Field
That’s the Way It Is
An Ordinary Man
Post-Ethical Society
Producing Children’s Television in the On-demand Age
Coming Together
Speaking of Abortion
Broadcasting for Wales
Children and Propaganda
Redefining Geek
Slow TV
Trends in Communication Policy Research
Reading Today
Digital Divisions
Culture War
The Media Equation
The Decision Between Us
Consumer Identities
Effective Journalism
What Philosophy Wants from Images
The Poet and the Publisher
Representing Talent
Early Royko
One More Time
The Culture of Calamity
Picturing Culture
Global Narratives of Russian Disinformation
Matt Saunders
Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!!
Journalism and Technological Change
Tsui Hark’s Zu
The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies
Otto Meyer - Amden
Connect and Divide
Selling War
The Media-Democracy Paradox in Ghana
Window Shopping with Helen Keller
Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication
Politicians Don’t Pander
Bangladesh’s Changing Mediascape
Inclusion in New Danish Cinema
New Television
Chinese Opera
A Political Economy of Canadian Broadcasting
Human Rights In Camera
Taste and the TV Chef
Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation
The Architecture of Aftermath
Cultural Locations of Disability
Sound Reporting, Second Edition
Make Room for TV
TV by Design
A Field Guide to a New Meta-field
Ribbon of Darkness
Switching to Digital Television
Anarchitectural Experiments
Malaysiakini and the Power of Independent Media in Malaysia
Interspecies Communication
Closed Circuits
The Casual
Front Page Economics
Dysfunction and Decentralization in New Media Art and Education
Second Lives
Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together
European Journalism Education
European Media Governance
European Media Governance
Interacting with Print
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine
Inside the TV Newsroom
The Philosopher of Palo Alto
National Conversations
Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
Media in Europe Today
The Art of Mechanical Reproduction
Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics
Gentleman Troubadours and Andean Pop Stars
The Idols of ISIS
The Democratic Surround
Breaking Up America
We Europeans?
Between the Black Box and the White Cube
Communication and Discourse Theory
Theater of the Mind
Traumatic Encounters in Italian Film
Food Democracy
Music, Race, and Nation
The View from Somewhere
All the Rage
Lyric Personhood
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China
Out of Whiteness
Advertising and Identity in Europe
’I am an American’
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Top 40 Democracy
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Dance, Disability and Law
The Inspiration Machine
Sound Writing
Journalism Ethics
Big Culture
The Matter of Black Living
A Cultural History of The Punisher
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Dance Studies in China
Reading Sounds
Covering the Body
Remembering to Forget
John Heartfield and the Agitated Image
Queer TV China
John Waters - How Much Can You Take?
The Afterlife of Data
Titles In Subject
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