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Selling War

The Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts from World War I to the "War on Terror"

Distributed for Intellect Ltd

Selling War

The Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts from World War I to the "War on Terror"

This book is the first collection of essays to explore the changing relationships between war, media, and the public from a multidisciplinary perspective and over an extended historical period. It is also the first textbook for students in this field, discussing a wide range of theoretical concepts and methodological tools for analyzing the nature of these relationships. Shedding new light on conflicts spanning from World War I through the so-called War on Terror, the contributors explore the roles of traditional media, war blogs, and eyewitness reporting; of war correspondents and embedded journalism; and of propaganda, wartime public relations, and information warfare.

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"Selling War assembles articles that focus on the relationship between war and media to highlight that the tone, point of view, and medium used by reporters all impact the public’s perception of wars....Clear and logical."

International Journal of Communication

Table of Contents

Preface: Perspectives on the Changing Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts
      Matthias Karmasin, Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler, and Romy Wōhlert
Introduction: Delivering War to the Public: Shaping the Public Sphere
      Philip Seib

Part I: ‘Never Such Innocence Again’: Propaganda and Total War
War and the Public Sphere: European Examples from the Seven Years’ War to World War I
      Reinhard Stauber
Discourses of War
      Diego Lazzarich
Between Indifference and News Hunger: Media Effects and the Public Sphere in Nazi Germany during Wartime
      Jürgen Wilke
Perception of Newspapers and Magazines in Field Post Correspondence during World War II
      Clemens Schwender
Part II: Visual Turn, War PR and the Changing Relationships between Politics, Media and the Public Sphere
Between Reporting and Propaganda: Power, Culture and War Reporting
      Daniel C. Hallin
Just Wars and Persuasive Communication: Analyzing Public Relations in Military Conflicts
      Magnus-Sebastian Kutz
An Iconography of Pity and a Rhetoric of Compassion: War and Humanitarian Crises in the Prism of American and French Newsmagazines (1967–95)
      Valérie Gorin
Women, the Media and War: The Representation of Women in German Broadsheets between 1980 and 2000
      Romy Frōhlich
‘Something Has Changed’: International Relations and the Media after the ‘Cold War’
      Josef Seethaler and Gabriele Melischek
Surging Beyond Realism: How the US Media Promote War Again and Again
      Robert M. Entman
Part III: Globalization and the ‘Postmodern’ War of Images
The Coverage of Terrorism and the Iraq War in the ‘Issue-Attention Cycle’
      Stephan Russ-Mohl
The Media and Humanitarian Intervention
      Philip Hammond
Shifting Frames in a Deadlocked Conflict? News Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
      Nel Ruigrok, Wouter van Atteveldt and Janet Takens
Public Discourse on the Georgian War in Russia and the EU: A Content Analysis of the Coverage in Traditional Print Media and Emerging Online Media
      Cordula Nitsch and Dennis Lichtenstein
Limitations of Journalism in War Situations: A Case Study from Georgia
      Roman Hummel
Mass-Mediated Debate about Torture in Post-9/11 America
      Brigitte L. Nacos


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