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The Chicago Booth at SUSIH

Welcome to our virtual exhibit for S-USIH 2023! All of the books listed here are available to you at the meeting discount of 30% off list price plus free domestic shipping. Click on the buy buttons below and use the promotional code EX57590 in the shopping cart to get 30% off physical books.*

Books in this field are acquired by Timothy Mennel.

Our featured journals are also available at a 20% discount off most subscriptions with code UCPJ20.** Our journals include American Political ThoughtCritical Historical StudiesEnvironmental HistoryThe Journal of African American HistoryCritical Inquiry, and KNOW: A Journal on the Formation of Knowledge

*This offer is valid until January 11, 2024. For titles where paperback and cloth versions are available, the discount only applies to the paperback.

**Discounts may not apply to all membership journals. Postage may apply to journal subscriptions with a print component. Taxes apply. Visit the journal home pages for more information.

The Chicago Booth at SUSIH

Featured Books

The Cult of Creativity

A Surprisingly Recent History

Samuel W. Franklin

Living in the Future

Utopianism and the Long Civil Rights Movement

Victoria W. Wolcott

Popularizing the Past

Historians, Publishers, and Readers in Postwar America

Nick Witham

Beauty and the Brain

The Science of Human Nature in Early America

Rachel E. Walker

America’s Philosopher

John Locke in American Intellectual Life

Claire Rydell Arcenas

The Price of Misfortune

Rights and Wrongs in Indebted America

Daniel Platt

Whose America?

Culture Wars in the Public Schools

Jonathan Zimmerman

Fascism Comes to America

A Century of Obsession in Politics and Culture

Bruce Kuklick

Catalog Titles

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