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Village Housing

Constraints and Opportunities in Rural England

Distributed for UCL Press

Village Housing

Constraints and Opportunities in Rural England

An examination of housing access and affordability barriers in rural England.

Village Housing explores the housing challenges faced by England’s amenity villages, rooted in post-war counter-urbanization and a rising tide of investment demand for rural homes. It tracks solutions to date and considers what further actions might be taken to increase the equity of housing outcomes and thereby support rural economies and alternate rural futures. The authors examine first the interwar reliance on landowners to provide tied housing and post-war diversification of responses to rising housing access difficulties, including from the public and third sectors; second, recent community-led responses; and third, actions that disrupt established production processes: self-build, low impact development, and a re-emergence of council provision. These responses to the village housing challenges are set against a broader backdrop of structural constraints and opportunities to reduce those constraints through planning, land, and tax reforms that can broaden the social inclusivity and diversity of villages and support their economic well-being.

244 pages | 23 color plates | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2022

Sociology: Urban and Rural Sociology

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Table of Contents

List of figures
List of tables
List of cases

1 The Village Housing Challenge

2 Housing Markets, Planning and Land

3 Private and Public Responses – the Past

4 Planning, Neighbourhood Planning and Community Action – the Present

5 Planning, Land, Tax and Finance

6 Community self-build, Off-grid, and Council-led Housing – the Future

7 A Future for Villages


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