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Moving beyond Liminality in the Study of Literature and Culture

Distributed for UCL Press


Moving beyond Liminality in the Study of Literature and Culture

An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept of passages.

The study of literature and culture is marked by various distinct understandings of passages—as both phenomena and critical concepts. These include the anthropological notion of rites of passage, the shopping arcades (Passagen) theorized by Walter Benjamin, the Middle Passage of the Atlantic slave trade, present-day forms of migration and resettlement, and understandings of translation and adaptation. This book explores passages as contexts and processes within which liminal experiences and encounters are situated. Based on the premise that concepts travel through times, contexts, and discursive settings, the volume enables a meaningful exchange regarding passages across disciplinary, national, and linguistic boundaries. Contributions from senior scholars and early-career researchers whose work focuses on areas such as cultural memory, performativity, space, media, (cultural) translation, ecocriticism, gender, and race utilize specific understandings of passages and liminality, reflecting on their value and limits for their research.

312 pages | 5 halftones | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2022

Literature and Literary Criticism: General Criticism and Critical Theory

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Table of Contents

of figures
List of contributors

Introduction: approaching ‘passages’ from
the perspective of travelling concepts, metaphors and narratives in the study
of literature and culture
Elizabeth Kovach, Jens Kugele
and Ansgar Nünning

Part I Symbolic passages between media, genres,
languages and cultures
1 The
sound of Benjamin’s arcades
Rolf Goebel

2 Spectral
passages: Christian Petzold’s Transit (2018) as a misadaption of
Anna Seghers’s novel (1944) and allusion to Europe’s ‘Summer
of Migration’
Max Bergmann

3 The passage from tragedy
to novel in Álvaro Cunqueiro’s ’Un hombre que se parecía a Orestes’
Mariño Mexuto

4 Translating behind bars: cultural
passages from Shakespeare to the Italian dialects

5 Cultural translation as a poetics
of movement

Part II: Theoretical passages as
transitions in art and (non)human life
6 The utterance as transgression:
contextual liminality and the rhetoric of the verisimilar

2 Kafka’s actors: Josef K.’s journey
to theatricality

3 From
passage to maturity to liminal critique: Foucault’s care of the self as
liminal practice

4 Traversing hell: Carl Gustav Jung
and the practice of visionary travelling
Alessandro Priviero

5 Multiple
selves: understanding the nature of dissociation in Black Swan
Büke Saglam

6 Passage
and flow: oceanic dystopia in the self-conscious Anthropocene

Part III: Political passages related to
identity, othering, supremacy and power

7 The
gaze and the city: woman walking down the street
Martina Hrbková

8 Passages:
reading before/for responsibility in Elizabeth Bowen’s ’The Death of the
Laura Lainvä

9 Thirdspace
and hospitality: migratory passage and the labyrinth of national (in)difference
in Rachid Boudjedra’s ’Topographie idéale pour
une agression caractérisée’

10 Passage into new
realities: Albania(ns) at the turn of nineteenth and twentieth centuries through
the eyes of European travel writers
Oriol Guni

11 Unmaking
silence and futureS in the midst of ‘The passing dreams of choice’ (Audre
Susan Arndt and Xin Li


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