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Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning

The Built Environment as an Added Educator in East African Refugee Camps

How built environments impact early childhood education in East African refugee camps.
Displaced before they were born, children living in long-term refugee camps along the East African Rift grow and learn surrounded by ready-made structures. Architecture as a Way of Seeing and Learning explores what these built environments teach us about both childhood development and refugee assistance. With an eye toward architecture, Nerea Amorós Elorduy models how a more empathetic approach to refugee relief might both decolonize humanitarian aid and nurture the learning of young children.

218 pages | 65 color plates | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2021

Design Research in Architecture

Architecture: Architecture--Criticism

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Table of Contents

Foreword Introduction The spatial and educational paradox of the long-term refugee camp  Limited and biased knowledge  Participation and decolonisation  Study area and case studies  Mapping and PAR  Integrating theory, practice and research  Chapter 1 The urban turn: informality, co-modification and assemblage  The nascence of the urban turn  Informality  Co-modification  Assemblage thinking  East African urban turn, a way forward?  Chapter 2 Ever-evolving assemblages: the built environment of seven East African long-term camps  The beginning of refugee encampment policies in Eastern Africa  The continuation of encampment and its effects on young children  Complex, heterogeneous and ever-evolving encampment territories  A multi-scalar spatio-temporal analysis  Interactive and static characteristics of encampment assemblages  Ever-changing, proto-urban learning assemblages  Chapter 3 Refugee-led: observed, imagined and tested spatial Interventions  The power of place-making  Extracting from urban theory  Observed quiet encroachment and everyday life practices  Refugee-imagined radical incrementalism  Tested transversal spatial appropriations  Conscious radical incrementalism  Conclusions Through the eyes of an architect  Research by architectural design  Next steps  Key concepts  Acronyms  Bibliography  Index

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