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How to Study

Suggestions for High-School and College Students

Third Edition

How to Study

Suggestions for High-School and College Students

Third Edition

A complete guide for successful studying, How to Study is concise, practical, time-tested, and free of gimmicks. Designed originally for freshmen at the University of Chicago, this smart book has helped generations of students throughout the country improve their skills in learning quickly and effectively. It offers a no-nonsense plan of action filled with techniques, strategies, exercises, and advice for:

*Mastering rather than just memorizing material

*Learning the secrets of mental preparation before tackling difficult assignments or exams

*Strengthening skills for better reading, note taking, and listening

*Improving use of time in the classroom, the library, and at home

It offers a wealth of advice, from the commonsensical ("Never begin study immediately after eating" and "Check every tendency to daydream") to the more psychological ("Use your knowledge by thinking, talking, and writing about the things you are learning").

Thoroughly revised and updated, this powerful little book can help any motivated and capable student work smarter, not just harder, from high school through college.

When he wrote How to Study Arthur W. Kornhauser (1896-1990) was associate professor of business psychology at the University of Chicago.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
1. The Meaning of Study
2. A Fundamental Requirement for Effective Study
3. Conditions Favorable for Concentration
4. System and Regularity in Studying
5. Reading Effectively
6. Listening and Note Taking
7. Aids in Memorizing
8. Cramming and Examinations
9. Putting One’s Knowledge to Use
10. Summary of Rules for Effective Study

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