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Margo Taft Stever

Margo Taft Stever earned degrees from Harvard University and Sarah Lawrence College. In addition to her historical writing, her published collections of poetry include The Lunatic Ball (2015); The Hudson Line (2012); Frozen Spring (2002); and Reading the Night Sky (1996). Her poems, essays, and reviews have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies, including Salamander, Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, Rattapallax, The Webster Review, New England Review, Minnesota Review, Connecticut Review, Poet Lore, West Branch, Seattle Review, and No More Masks. She is the founder of The Hudson Valley Wristers’ Center and current co-editor of Slapering Hol Press. Stever was a prime mover in the restoration of the historic Philipse Manor Railroad Station for the Center’s home. She is a great-granddaughter of Harry Fowler Woods and Peter R. Taft (half-brother of William Howard Taft) and is a relative of Nicholas Longworth and R. Clough Anderson, who were also travelers on the 1905 mission. Stever oversaw the restoration of the Woods photographs and directed the Harry F. Woods 1905 photography exhibition at the Ohio Historical Society.


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