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Displaying 11 to 20 results of approximately 4,791 total results.
  • Andrew Koppelman

    ... ? Must state laws recognizing same-sex unions be given effect in other states? Should courts take ... The Gay Rights Question in Contemporary American Law , Koppelman The Gay Rights Question in ... Contemporary American Law Andrew Koppelman 9780226451015 9780226451008 9780226451039 The Gay Rights Question ...


  • John H. Currie,René Provost,

    ... The Canadian Yearbook of International Law , Vol. 48, 2010, Currie University of British Columbia ... Press The Canadian Yearbook of International Law , Vol. 48, 2010 John H. Currie,René Provost ... , 9780774823036 Distributed for University of British Columbia Press The Canadian Yearbook of International Law ...


  • Michael T. Hartney

    ... education: with government policies (state labor laws ) promoting union power, which then feeds back to ... How Policies Make Interest Groups: Governments, Unions , and American Education, Hartney How ... Policies Make Interest Groups Governments, Unions , and American Education Michael T. Hartney 9780226820903 ...


  • George William Van Cleve

    ... A Slaveholders’ Union : Slavery, Politics, and the Constitution in the Early American Republic, Van ... Cleve A Slaveholders’ Union Slavery, Politics, and the Constitution in the Early American Republic ... George William Van Cleve 9780226846705 9780226846682 9780226846699 A Slaveholders’ Union Slavery ...


  • Norberto Bobbio

    ... Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition, Bobbio, Gobetti Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law ... Tradition Norberto Bobbio Translated by Daniela Gobetti 9780226062488 Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law ... philosopher’s relation to the tradition of natural law . That Hobbes must now be understood in both this ...


  • William Letwin

    ... Law and Economic Policy in America: The Evolution of the Sherman Antitrust Act, Letwin Law and ... Economic Policy in America The Evolution of the Sherman Antitrust Act William Letwin 9780226473536 Law ... Sherman Antitrust Act, a law designed to shape the economic life of a large complex society through ...


  • Joanna Merwood-Salisbury

    ... Design for the Crowd: Patriotism and Protest in Union Square, Merwood-Salisbury Design for the ... Crowd Patriotism and Protest in Union Square Joanna Merwood-Salisbury 9780226080826 9780226604909 Design ... for the Crowd Patriotism and Protest in Union Square Joanna Merwood-Salisbury Situated on Broadway ...


  • Edited by James J. Heckman and Carmen Pages

    ... Law and Employment: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean, Heckman, Pages Law and Employment ... Carmen Pagés 9780226322827 9780226322858 Law and Employment Lessons from Latin America and the ... Caribbean Edited by James J. Heckman and Carmen Pages Edited by Carmen Pagés Law and Employment analyzes ...


  • Jonna Perrillo

    ... Uncivil Rights: Teachers, Unions , and Race in the Battle for School Equity, Perrillo Uncivil Rights ... Teachers, Unions , and Race in the Battle for School Equity Jonna Perrillo 9780226660721 ... 9780226660714 9780226660738 Uncivil Rights Teachers, Unions , and Race in the Battle for School Equity Jonna ...


  • Edited by Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Wong Sau Ngan

    ... Law , Institutions and Malaysian Economic Development, Jomo, Wong National University of Singapore ... Press Law , Institutions and Malaysian Economic Development Edited by Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Wong Sau ... Ngan 9789971693909 Distributed for National University of Singapore Press Law , Institutions and ...


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