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Distributed for Swedenborg Foundation Publishers

Why Does God Let It Happen?

1st Edition

In the wake of life-changing events—whether as global in reach as the terrorist attacks on September 11 or as personal as the death of a child—the first question that springs to mind is “Why?” Why do good people suffer pain and loss? Why does God allow these things to happen?

In this simple, straightforward book, Bruce Henderson tackles some of the most difficult questions that people of faith face in their lives. Drawing from the wisdom of visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, who wrestled with these same questions more than two hundred years ago, Henderson describes a universe in which God allows us free will and choice, subtly guiding the course of our lives with an insight no mortal can comprehend. Pain and suffering ultimately lead to good, and as we walk the path, we draw ever closer to heaven.

In the end, the question is not why these things happen, but what good can come of them, and how we can use our gift of free will to create a better world for ourselves and others. In this, Henderson says, God is our partner and guiding hand, turning pain to hope and trust.

112 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | © 2010

Philosophy: Ethics

Psychology: Counseling and Guidance

Religion: Christianity

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[Emanuel] Swedenborg explains that there are absolute spiritual laws that govern God’s creation. These "laws of providence" express God’s love and guidance in our lives, and his presence never ceases -- even when it may seem that he has turned his back or become distant. God can never go against his own laws, which are there to protect our eternal lives, not just our lives on earth.

Many of these teachings will be related to specific examples throughout this book, but four concepts are fundamental:

- God is all-powerful and in total control. He never abandons us. But he does allow things that are contrary to his will, for the sake of our freedom, because our freedom is fundamental to his love.

- What God allows but does not will is called "permission" by Swedenborg. Understanding this concept helps to answer the question, "Why?"

- If the tragedy that happens in our lives is the permission, then providence is what happens afterward. It is the way God’s love heals and it always leads to good.

- What we see in this natural or material world is limited by space and time. It’s temporal. God sees everything in a spiritual context -- not only how our lives are affected here and now, but the impact and repercussions to eternity.

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