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Distributed for Hirmer Publishers

Verena Landau

Passages, Passengers, Places

This lavishly illustrated book presents a comprehensive overview of the career thus far of German artist Verena Landau, documenting her projects from 1999 through 2013. Landau is particularly interested in the tense relationship between art and commerce, a theme that runs through several of her works. The sale of her painted film stills Pasolini-Stills and Passing Pasolini, for example, led her to create portraits of collectors engaged in mundane activities in the spaces in front of the paintings, while Zone of Discretion traces the story of a painting that was sold to a bank. Another project involved staging a fictional theft of her own painting through a series of photomontages. In more recent years, Landau has been interested in entrances to banks and shareholder meetings, public passages, and, most recently, spaces of public transit and the waiting and movement that occur there.
A retrospective that reveals an artist changing and evolving, Verena Landau: Passages, Passengers, Places is a fascinating, revealing document of a cutting-edge artist.

144 pages | 160 color plates | 12 x 8 1/2 | © 2013

Art: European Art

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Table of Contents

(Text in German and English)

Threshold and Permeability: Verena Landau’s Passages

Wolfgang Ullrich


Susanne Holschbach

Passing Pasolini

In Front of the Afterimage (Edition 2005)

Zone of Discretion 2001-2004

Thomas Klemm

Four Strategies 2003-2010

Thomas Klemm

Enemies for Rent

Art Theft_Copy (Edition 2005)

Tom Huhm


Hendrik Pupat


Access, Accessory, Capture 2006-2008

Hendrik Pupat


Waiting for Stars

Frank Schulz

Wound Up


Hendrik Pupat

Postcard Edition for the Project “Zerreißproben”, 2010


Picture Credits

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