Distributed for University College Dublin Press
A Tour in Ireland in 1775
Richard Twiss’ "A Tour in Ireland in 1775", published in the following year, was one of the most controversial books of its period. It was based on his experiences of a five-month stay in the country. It enraged the Irish public through its unflattering representation of Ireland and its inhabitants. Since its publication it has been widely quoted as a contemporary source for Irish life, though generally cited in a negative context. Although a bestseller in its day it has not been reprinted since. This new edition includes the full collection of poems written in opposition to the book, together with contemporary illustrations of the sites and views visited by Twiss during his tour.
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Table of Contents
Introduction by Rachel Finnegan A TOUR IN IRELAND IN 1775 Appendix 1 - The Missing Pages Appendix 2 - Related Poetical Works - An Heroic Epistle from Donna Teresa Pinna Y Ruiz by William Preston (Dublin, 1776) An Heroic Answer from Richard Twiss, Esq, F.R.S. at Rotterdam, to Donna Teresa Pinna Y Ruiz of Murci by William Preston (Dublin, 1776) An Answer to a Poetical Epistle from Madam Teresa Pinna by Richard Twiss Esq, F.R.S., with Notes by Various Hands by Leonard MacNally (Dublin, 1776) A Defence of Ireland - A Poem in Answer to the Partial and Malicious Accounts given of it by Mr Twiss and Other Writers by Richard Lewis, Corrector of the Press (Dublin, 1776).
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