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Distributed for University of Wales Press

Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931–1985

A comprehensive study of censorship in twentieth-century Spanish theater.

Drawing on extensive archival evidence, personal testimonies, and legal analysis, this book documents Spanish censorship practices from the Second Republic, Franco’s dictatorship, and into democracy. The volume explores the how, when, and why of censorship as well as the responses of playwrights, directors, and companies. As a result, the book casts new light on specific theater-makers and their work, how historical conditions shaped genres and canons, as well as the broader cultural history of the twentieth century.

560 pages | 22 halftones | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 | © 2023

Iberian and Latin American Studies

Art: European Art

History: European History

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Table of Contents

List of illustrations
List of abbreviations
1.The Evolution of Theatre Censorship in Spain from the 1830s to the 1930s
2.Un teatro de ida y vuelta: All Change and No Change in the Second Republic and the Civil War
Case Study: Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús, by Vicente Mena Pérez
3.The Franco Dictatorship: Censorship as ‘Propaganda’, ‘Education’ and ‘Information’
Case Study: La casa de Bernarda Alba, by Federico García Lorca
4.The Pervasiveness of Censorship during the Dictatorship: Right-Wing Triumphalism, Commercial Theatre, Revistas and Catalan Theatre
Case Study: La Infanzona, by Jacinto Benavente
5.The Realist Generation: A Spotlight on the Margins of Society
Case Study: Escuadra hacia la muerte, by Alfonso Sastre
6.Experimental, Avant-Garde and Independent Theatre: Pushing the Boundaries
Case Study: Castañuela 70, by Tábano and Las Madres del Cordero
7.The Censorship of Foreign Theatre: From Taming the Text to Disruptive Drama
Case Study: El círculo de tiza caucasiano, by Bertolt Brecht
8.Dénouement: Dismantling the Apparatus during the Transition to Democracy
Case Study: La torna, by Els Joglars/Albert Boadella
Archival sources
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