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Distributed for EPFL Press

Thermodynamics and Energy Systems Analysis

Vol. 1: From Energy to Exergy

796 pages | 6 1/4 x 9 1/2 | © 2010

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Table of Contents

Generalities and Fundamental Laws // Closed Systems and General Thermodynamic Relations // Balance of Extensive Properties // Open Systems, in Steady-State Operation // Thermodynamic Properties of Matter // Mixture of Perfect or Ideal Gases // Mixtures of a Gas and a Condensable Substance // Thermodynamic Processes and Diagrams // Simple Examples of Application of the First and Second Laws // Energy and Exergy Analyses (Thermomechanical Processes) // Energy and Exergy Analyses (With Reactive Processes) // Application Examples of Chapters 10 And 11 // Thermodynamic Cycles // Application Examples of Chapters 10 Through 13 // Linear Thermodynamics of Irreversible Phenomena

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