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Distributed for EPFL Press

Statistical Mechanics of Coulomb Systems

A study of the equilibrium properties of Coulomb systems in physics that is the first of its kind.

This book studies the equilibrium properties of Coulomb systems, i.e. classical or quantum systems of charged particles interacting exclusively with the Coulomb force, drawing on results that are mathematically rigorous or derived from formal perturbation series, without ad hoc modeling or intermediate approximations.

Two main themes form the essential purpose of Statistical Mechanics of Coulomb Systems: the simplified description of the proofs of four fundamental theorems on the existence of Coulomb matter on the one hand and the development of a formalism based on diagrammatic expansions adapted to the treatment of classical and quantum screening phenomena on the other hand. The result is an authoritative analysis of Coulomb systems that will be essential for any physicist working in this area.

750 pages | 6 3/4 x 9 1/2 | © 2023

Physical Sciences: Experimental and Applied Physics, Theoretical Physics

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Table of Contents

1 From Macroscopic Electrostatics to Microscopic Screening
2 Screening within Linear Response Theory
3 Charge and Field Fluctuations
4 Statistical Mechanical Models
5 Stability and Extensivity in the Thermodynamic Limit
6 Screened Mayer Expansions
7 Diagrammatic Analysis of Exponential Screening
8 Classical Correlations: Non-Perturbation Results
9 Solvable Models and Numerical Simulations
10 Breakdown of Deybe Screening for Quantum Charges
11 The Quantum Analogue of the Deybe Potential
12 The Low Density Weakly Degenerate Regime
13 Grand Canonical Diagrammatic Representation
14 Quantum Correlations at Large Distances
15 Atoms and Molecules
16 Van der Waals Forces
17 Thermodynamic Relations and Classical Equations of State
18 Quantum Thermodynamic Functions
19 The Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition
20 Phase Diagrams for Simple Systems

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