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Subaltern Studies 2.0

Being against the Capitalocene

On a second wave of anti-colonial revolutions.

State and Capital reign over the Age of Sorrow. We face inequality, pandemics, ethnocide, climate crisis, and mass extinction. Our desire for security and power governs us as State. Our desire for possessions governs us as Capital. Our desires imprison and rule us beings as Unbeing. Yet, from Nagaland to New Zealand, Bhutan to Bolivia, a second wave of anti-colonial revolutions has begun. Arising from assemblies of humans and other-than-humans, these revolutions replace possessive individualism with non-exploitative interdependence. Naga elders, Bhutanese herders and other indigenous communities, feminists, poets, seers, yaks, cranes, vultures, and fungi haunt this pamphlet. The original Subaltern Studies narrated how Indian peasant communities destroyed the British empire. Subaltern Studies 2.0 prophesies the multi-being demos and liberates Being from Unbeing. Re-kin, Re-nomad, Re-animate, Re-wild! The Animist Revolution has come.

222 pages | 3 illustrations | 4 1/2 x 7 | © 2022

Anthropology: Cultural and Social Anthropology

Asian Studies: General Asian Studies

Political Science: Political and Social Theory

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Table of Contents

i. Who Speaks?
ii. War of Unbeing against Being
iii. A New Anti-Colonial Struggle
iv. The Age of Sorrow
v. The Evil Twins: Sovereignty and Property
vi. The Subjection of Being
vii. Once When there was No State, No Capital
viii. The Monstrosity of State and Capital
ix. Capital Colonizes Being
x. The Age of Death
xi. The Rise and Fall of Subaltern Studies
xii. The Failures of Global History and of Anthropology
xiii. To Arms: A New Academia for a Renewed War
xiv. Enough with Welfare-State Capitalism
xv. Enough with Monstrous Abstractions!
xvi. Where Marx Went Wrong!
xvii. The Degeneration of Speech
xviii. The Poetry of Revolution
xix. Enough of “Postmodern” Suspicion of Being!
xx. The Road Back to Being
xxi. Dismantle State, Overthrow Capital!
xxii. For Permanent Revolution, Permanent Community!
xxiii. Enough with Atomized Individualism!
xxiv. Not Universal Class, but Communities in Solidarity!
xxv. Being Shines in Subaltern Consciousness
xxvi. Against Possessive Man, Being!
xxvii. Difference-into-Unity!
xxviii. Being a World for Others
xxix. Animals: Primal Instructors of Humans
xxx. The Light of Being-Consciousness
xxxi. Once When Animals Could Speak
xxxii. Animal Democracy – The World’s Oldest Polities
xxxiii. The First Imperialism: Human Colonization of Animal Polities
xxxiv. Decolonize Animal Polities!
xxxv. Multi-Being Demos, Constitution to Come
xxxvi. Return, Ancient Constitution – What Was, Shall Again Be!
xxxvii. Fungal Organization – Being inside Beings is the Being within Me
xxxviii. Fungal Democracy – Fungal Internationalism
xxxix. Rooted Interdependence – Ancient Being, Return, Restore!
xl. Beings in Assembly – Multi-Being Demos
xli. The Vanquishing of Unbeing
xlii. Beings Turn the Wheel of Law
xliii. The Constitution of the Cosmos
xliv. Turn I: Rekin
xlv. Turn II: Renomad
xlvi. Turn III: Reanimate
xlvii. Turn IV: Rewild
xlviii. Being Triumphant
Xlix. Exhortation: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: The Next Steps: A Preface
l. Exhortation: Marisol de la Cadena: The Gift of the Anthropo-not-seen
li. Exhortation: Thom van Dooren: Animal Lessons
lii. Exhortation: Suraj Yengde: Supreme Subalterns

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