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Distributed for Association Vahatra in Antananarivo

The Protected Areas of Ranomafana and Andringitra in Central Southeastern Madagascar

Bilingual edition

An up-to-date pocket guide of two Malagasy protected areas.

This bilingual French-English pocket guide covers two protected areas in southeastern Madagascar: the evergreen forests of Ranomafana and the high mountain zone of Andringitra. Given the proximity of the two parks to the national road that links Antananarivo (Tananarive) to the southwestern city of Toliara (Tulear) and its knowledgeable local guides, ecotourists can easily experience these largely untouched Malagasy ecosystems in all their splendor. With this book in hand, ecotourists traveling across this portion of the island and interested in the natural world will be able to discover and marvel at the region’s ecological complexity and beauty.

80 pages | 20 color plates | 6 x 8.25 | © 2023

Ecotourism Guides to Protected Areas

Biological Sciences: Conservation, Natural History

Table of Contents

Table of contents
Préface / Preface
Remerciements / Acknowledgements
Introduction / Introduction
Arrivée et visites de sites / Arrival and site visits
Bonnes pratiques en forêt et dans les aires protégées / Good manners in the forest and in protected areas
Définitions / Definitions

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