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Distributed for Association Vahatra in Antananarivo

The Protected Areas of Mantadia and Analamazaotra in Central Eastern Madagascar

Bilingual edition

The latest research on the biodiversity of two protected areas in central eastern Madagascar.

This bilingual French-English pocket guide covers two protected areas in central eastern Madagascar that are adjacent to each another. These sites encapsulate the biotic diversity of the medium altitude moist evergreen forests of the island and include two national parks, the extensively visited Analamazaotra, where a range of lemur species are well habituated to visitors, and the forests of Mantadia, a place ecotourists can experience a largely untouched Malagasy forest ecosystem and all of its splendors. Both parks are relatively close to Moramanga and near the main road linking Antananarivo (Tananarive) to the coastal city of Toamasina (Tamatave). Tourists visiting this fascinating area of Madagascar and interested in the natural world will be able to discover and marvel at the regional ecological complexity and beauty, and the combination of easy road access, excellent local guides speaking many different European languages, and a range of local accommodations visiting easy. 

64 pages | 25 halftones | 6 x 8 1/4 | © 2023

Ecotourism Guides to Protected Areas

Biological Sciences: Conservation, Natural History

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