Table of Contents
Acknowledgments- xi
Why This Book?- xiii
1. Introduction- 1
1.1 The Need for Efficiency- 2
1.2 Interfaces- 4
1.3 Mathematical Background- 9
1.4 The Model of Computation- 18
1.5 Correctness, Time Complexity, and Space Complexity- 19
1.6 Code Samples- 22
1.7 List of Data Structures- 22
1.8 Discussion and Exercises- 26
2. Array-Based Lists- 29
2.1 ArrayStack: Fast Stack Operations Using an Array- 30
2.2 FastArrayStack: An Optimized ArrayStack- 35
2.3 ArrayQueue: An Array-Based Queue- 36
2.4 ArrayDeque: Fast Deque Operations Using an Array- 40
2.5 DualArrayDeque: Building a Deque from Two Stacks- 43
2.6 RootishArrayStack: A Space-Efficient Array Stack- 49
2.7 Discussion and Exercises- 59
3. Linked Lists- 63
3.1 SLList: A Singly-Linked List- 63
3.2 DLList: A Doubly-Linked List- 67
3.3 SEList:
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