Table of Contents
Introduction, Richard W. Rousseau, S.J.
I. The Next Frontier: Understanding Other Communities of Faith, Vern Failletaz
II. Ground Rules for Interreligious Dialogue, Leonard Swidler
III. The Basis, Purpose and Manner of Inter-Faith Dialogue, Bishop Lesslie Newbigin
IV. Towards a Theology of Dialogue, S. Wesley Ariarajah
V. Dialogue: Does it Complement, Modify or Replace Mission, Anton P. Stadler
VI. Bases and Boundaries for Interfaith Dialogue: a Christian Viewpoint, Monika Konrad Hellwig
VII. The Failure of Dialogue in Hendrick Kraemer’s Evaluation of Non-Christian Faith, Antonio R. Gualteri
VIII. Some Recent Developments on the Christology and World Religions, Lucien Richard, O.M.I.
IX. Does Copernicus Help: Reflections for a Christian Theology of Religions, J.J. Lipner
X. The Anonymous Christian and Christology, Robert J. Schreiter, C. PP. S.
XI. World Religions and the Finality of Christ: A Critique of Hans Kung’s "On Being a Christian", Paul F. Knitter
I. The Next Frontier: Understanding Other Communities of Faith, Vern Failletaz
II. Ground Rules for Interreligious Dialogue, Leonard Swidler
III. The Basis, Purpose and Manner of Inter-Faith Dialogue, Bishop Lesslie Newbigin
IV. Towards a Theology of Dialogue, S. Wesley Ariarajah
V. Dialogue: Does it Complement, Modify or Replace Mission, Anton P. Stadler
VI. Bases and Boundaries for Interfaith Dialogue: a Christian Viewpoint, Monika Konrad Hellwig
VII. The Failure of Dialogue in Hendrick Kraemer’s Evaluation of Non-Christian Faith, Antonio R. Gualteri
VIII. Some Recent Developments on the Christology and World Religions, Lucien Richard, O.M.I.
IX. Does Copernicus Help: Reflections for a Christian Theology of Religions, J.J. Lipner
X. The Anonymous Christian and Christology, Robert J. Schreiter, C. PP. S.
XI. World Religions and the Finality of Christ: A Critique of Hans Kung’s "On Being a Christian", Paul F. Knitter
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