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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Geography of British Columbia

People and Landscapes in Transition, 4th Edition

From the beginning of time, physical and human processes have altered BC’s landscape. Geographers seek to understand these processes, and this text provides students with the basic tools and techniques of their craft. In it, they will learn how to

identify the province’s unique geographical features, from mountains and lakes to fjords, forests, and minerals
analyze maps and statistical data to understand the forces that shaped a location
think in terms of risk assessment and corrective and preventative measures when it comes to extreme events such as floods, wildfires, avalanches, and earthquakes.
Written with a minimum of jargon and with key terms explained in a glossary, this edition is divided into two parts. Part 1 offers a foundational understanding of four key topics:

the origins of the province’s spectacular regional diversity
the impact of weather, climate, and physical features
geophysical hazards and their threat to life and property
the geography of resource harvesting and management.
Part 2 unfolds chronologically, revealing not only the role that natural resources have played in settlement and development, but also the forces that are now at work transforming the province into an increasingly urban place centred on a service-oriented economy.
In an era of climate change, it’s more important than ever to understand the complex interaction between human influence on the landscape and the earth’s ever-changing physical processes. Geography of British Columbia provides students with the tools, techniques, and knowledge they’ll need.

320 pages | 8 x 10 | © 2020

Geography: Environmental Geography

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