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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Fraught Intimacies

Non/Monogamy in the Public Sphere

Adultery scandals involving politicians. Dating websites for married women and men. News reports on raids of polygamous communities. It seems that non-monogamy is everywhere: in popular culture, in the news, and before the courts. In Fraught Intimacies, Nathan Rambukkana delves into how polygamy, adultery, and polyamory are represented in the public sphere. His intricate analysis reveals how some forms of non-monogamy are tacitly accepted, even glamourized, while others are vilified and reviled. By questioning what this says about intimacy, power, and privilege, this book offers an innovative framework for understanding the status of non-monogamy in Western society.

244 pages | © 2015

Sexuality Studies

Table of Contents

Preface: Chasing Non/Monogamy

Introduction: Non/Monogamy and Intimacy in the Public Sphere

1 The Space of (Intimate) Privilege

2 The Adultery Industry: Autonomous Space, Heteronormativity, and Neoliberal Cheating

3 Mapping Polygamy: Discourse, Reterritorialization, and Plural Marriage

4 The Fraught Promise of Polyamory: New Intimate Ethics or Heterotopian Enclave?

Conclusion: Non-Monogamies and the Space of Discourse

Appendix: Canada’s Criminal Code (C.26) Statutes on Bigamy and Polygamy




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