Fire and Ice
Imagination and Intellect in the the Catholic Tradition
Distributed for University of Scranton Press
Fire and Ice
Imagination and Intellect in the the Catholic Tradition
Over the last twelve years a number of profound and thoughtful essays have appeared offereing answers to the question, "What is the mission of American Catholic Universities today?" Edited by Dr. Mary McCullough, these papers and discussions provide complementary and mutualy stimulating answers.

Table of Contents
Foreword: Catholic Character in Context: The President’s Institute at Loyola Marymount University, by Robert Caro, S.J. Ph.D.
Part 1: Intellect and Imagination in the Catholic Tradition
Part 1: Intellect and Imagination in the Catholic Tradition
The Best Sort of Liberal Education: A History of the Intellectual Tradition at Loyola Marymount University
Michael Engh, S.J., Ph.D.
On Being Catholic and American
Robert N. Bellah, Ph.D.
The Catholic Sacramental Imagination
Doris Donnely, Ph.D.
The Genesis of Apocalypse: Religious Roots of Coppola’s Vietnam Epic
Richard Blake, S.J., Ph.D.
The Modern Catholic University: How Far from Eden?
Robert B. Lawton, S.J. Ph.D.
Part 2: Reflections on the Life Force of the Catholic Tradition
Imagining Justice: Is Law Like Love?
Scott Wood, J.D.
Catastrophic Grace: Flannery O’Connor and the Catholic Imagination
Sharon Locy, Ph.D.
The Flesh of Adam: Women, Bodies, and the Sacramental Imagination
Marie Anne Mayeski, Ph.D.
Believing is Seeing: Field of Dreams as Liturgy?
Howard Lavick, M.F.A.
Computer Science, Community, and Faith
Stephanie E. August, Ph.D.
A Twenty-first Century Chagllenge: Hiring for Mission in Catholic Higher Education
Michael P. Geis, Ph.D.
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