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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century

Augmenting published and unpublished sources with information culled from personalized questionnaires sent to key scholars and practitioners, Sylvia Wargon describes and interprets the development of the field. She provides important background information about the origins and history of demography in Europe and Canada from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and explains the gradual development and institutionalization of demography in the French- and English-speaking regions of Canada. Important milestones are discussed in the context of their social environment. Based on French- and English-language sources, Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century is the first and only comprehensive treatment of the subject to date.

344 pages | © 2001

Sociology: General Sociology

Table of Contents

Figures and Tables




1. Summary of Demography in Europe and Canada, 1600-2000

2. Population Statistics and Demographic Research in Canada, 1900-50

3. Outside the Universities in French- and English-Speaking Canada, 1950-70

4. Universities in French- and English-Speaking Canada, 1950-70

5. The Bureau from 1970: Data, Research, and Related Activities

6. Universities in French- and English-Speaking Canada from 1970

7. Outside the Bureau and the Universities from 1970

8. Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century


A. Respondents

B. Notes on "Race" in Canadian Census Statistics: Historical, Conceptual, and Political Dimensions

C. Census and Other Monographs

D. Demolinguistics: Origin, Use, and Definition in Canada




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