The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 51
Distributed for University of British Columbia Press
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 51
Table of Contents
The Canada–China FIPPA: Its Uniqueness and Non-Reciprocity / Gus van Harten
More Honey Than Vinegar: Peer Review as a Middle Ground between Universalism and National Sovereignty / Elvira Domínguez-Redondo and Edward R. McMahon
La révision de 2012 de l’Accord de l’OMC sur les marchés publics: Son contexte et les dimensions de son champ d’application / Philippe Pelletier
Nuclear Non-Proliferation and “Preventive Self-Defence”: Why Attacking Iran Would Be Illegal / Patrick C.R. Terry and Karen S. Openshaw
Renewable Energy and Trade: Interpreting against Fragmentation / Maureen Irish
Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires
The Scottish Independence Referendum in an International Context / Jure Vidmar
Does International Criminal Law Create Humanitarian Law Obligations? The Case of Exclusively Non-State Armed Conflict under the Rome Statute / Alain-Guy Tachou-Sipowo
Digest of Inter-American Law in 2013 / Chronique de droit interamericain en 2013
Les développements en droit interaméricain pour l’année 2013 / Bernard Duhaime et Elise Hansbury
Digest of International Economic Law in 2013 / Chronique de droit international économique en 2013
Commerce / Hervé A. Prince
Investissement / Charles-Emmanuel Côté
Canadian Practice in International Law / Pratique canadienne en matière de droit international
At the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development in 2013 / Au ministère des Affaires étrangères, Commerce et Développement en 2013 / compiled by / préparé par Bill Crosbie
Parliamentary Declarations in 2013 / Déclarations parlementaires en 2013 / compiled by / préparé par Alexandra Logvin
Treaty Action Taken b
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