Distributed for University College Dublin Press
Civil War in Ulster
Civil War in Ulster, originally published in 1913, analyses the events leading up to the massive arming of the Orangemen which followed the Larne gun-running. Joseph Johnston was an Ulster Protestant writing as a liberal supporter of Home Rule. He gives the book’s target Protestant readership an outline of recent Irish history, making the case that Home Rule had many positive features, and that none of the perceived negative features would be worth fighting a civil war to avoid. Although Johnston’s objective in writing the book was unsuccessful and the point of view has been largely forgotten, his highly readable book provides a fascinating insight into the thoughts and fears of the population of Ulster at a critical time in Irish history and the foreword and introduction, by Tom Garvin and Roy Johnston, give a contemporary analysis of the thinking behind Johnston’s unusual stand.
Table of Contents
Series Introduction Foreword Introduction Introduction - Object in Writing The Supposed Danger in Protestantism Church and State in Various Countries Objects of Ulster’s Resistance Importance of Ulster to the Unionist Parties Probable Course of Events Ireland from 1782-1800 Ireland from 1801-1870 Ireland from 1871 to the Present Day Examination of the Home Rule Bill Appendix.
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