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Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information

Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language

This collection of papers is the outcome of the first Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language conference (CSDL) held at the University of Califronia, San Diego in October 1995.  CSDL was organized with the intention of bringing together researchers from both "cognitive" and "functional" approaches to linguistics.  The papers in this volume span a variety of topics, but there is a common thread running through them: the claim that semantics and discourse properties are fundamental to our understanding of language.

504 pages | 6 x 9 | © 1996

Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language

Cognitive Science: Language

Language and Linguistics: Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics

Table of Contents


French Modals and Speaker Control
      Michael Achard
Constraints on Adjectival Past Participles
      Farrell Ackermann and Adele E. Goldberg
From Resultativity to Current Relevance: Evidence from the History of English and Modern Castilian Spanish
      Kathleen Carey
Beyond Beads on a String and Branches in a Tree
      Wallace Chafe
Menendez Brothers Virus: Blended Spaces and Internet Humor
      Seana Coulson
Conditionals, Distancing, and Alternative Spaces
      Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser
Viewpoint and the Definite Article
      Richard Epstein
Blending as a Central Process of Grammar
      Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner
Psychological Predicates and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
      Hana Filip
Discourse Goals and Attentional Processes in Sentence Production: The Dynamic Construal of Events
      Linda B. Forrest
Salish Lexical Suffixes: A Case of Decategorialization
      Donna B. Gerdts and Mercedes Q. Hinkson
Primitive and Compound Metaphors
      Joe Grady, Sarah Taub and Pamela Morgan
What’s So Easy about Pie?: The Lexicalization of a Metaphor
      Caitlin Hines
Metaphor, Metaphorical Extension, and Grammaticalization: A Study of Mandarin Chinese -qilai
      Chu-Ren Huang and Shen-Ming Chang
The Way Constructions Grow
      Michael Israel
Emphatic -Self in Discourse
      Suzanne Kemmer and Michael Barlow
The Metaphor System for Morality
      George Lakoff
On the Formal and Functional Relationship between Topics and Vocatives. Evidence from French
      Knud Lambrecht
A Constraint on Progressive Generics
      Ronald W. Langacker
Conversational Use and Basic Meaning of Finnish Demonstratives
      Ritva Laury
Rigid Syntax and Flexible Meaning: The Case of the English Distransitive
      Frederike van der Leek
Conceptual Manipulation and Semantic Distinction: The Case of Mandarin Postverbial ‘De’- Complements
      Mei-chun Liu
Schematic Representations of Discourse Structure
      June Luchjenbroers
How Abstract is Subjective Motion? A Comparison of Coverage Path Expressions and Access Path Expressions
      Yo Matsumoto
The Exclamative Sentence Type in English
      Laura A. Michaelis and Knud Lambrecht
The Dynamic Nature of Conceptual Structure Building: Evidence from Conversation
      Tsuyoshi Ono and Sandra A. Thompson
Situation Perspective: On the Relations of Thematic Roles, Discourse Categories, and Grammatical Relations to Figure and Ground
      Maria Polinsky
Manipulation of Discourse Spaces in American Sign Language
      Christine Poulin
Roles, Values, and Possessives: Deictic Adjectives in the Noun Phrase
      Ronald E. Sheffer, Jr.
How Productive are Metaphors? A Close Look at the Participation of a Few Verbs in the "States Are Locations" Metaphor (and Others)
      Sarah Taub
On the Discourse Function of Rightward Movement in English
      Gregory Ward and Betty Birner
Deontic and Epistemic Modals in ASL: A Discourse Analysis
      Phyllis Perrin Wilcox

Author Index
Subject Index

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