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Complete Poems

A Bilingual Edition

Edited and Translated by Molly M. Martin and Paola Ugolini

Distributed for Iter Press

Complete Poems

A Bilingual Edition

Edited and Translated by Molly M. Martin and Paola Ugolini
Veronica Gambara (1485–1550) was one of the most celebrated lyric poets of early sixteenth-century Italy. Equally significant to Gambara’s literary repute was her political standing as the dowager Countess of Correggio. Though she never published a collected edition of her poetry, Gambara produced an extensive oeuvre of vernacular verse that has been extensively anthologized. This book presents the first complete bilingual edition of Gambara’s verse. It sheds light on the unique interrelationship between Gambara’s cultural currency and her political power, as she drew on her literary talent to participate in the political arena to emerge as one of the first women poet-rulers of the Early Modern Italian tradition.

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"Molly Martin and Paola Ugolini’s edition and translation of Veronica Gambara shows that she wrote in an unusual range of genres in addition to the Christianized Petrarchism of her love poems to her deceased husband: a ballad set to music, paeans to beloved places, and letter-sonnets to friends such as Pietro Bembo. This edition brings all her poems together for the first time, provides a richly informed introduction filling in her biography, including her many social circles, and offers an excellent set of historical data and literary-critical references. The prose translations are accurate and useful, rendering Gambara’s intricate syntax clearly and showing how interesting the work of this early woman poet is."

Ann Rosalind Jones, Smith College

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1
The Other Voice 1
Veronica Gambara: A Brief Biography 5
Historical Context: The Ruling Dowager 18
Analysis of Gambara’s Writings 23
Aftermath of Writing 32
A Note on the Translation 33
Poems of Love 37
Poems of Place 71
Poems of Correspondence and Encomia 77
Political Poems 99
Spiritual Poems 117
Stanze 123
Bibliography 137
Index 155

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