Distributed for Museum Tusculanum Press
Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 13
581 pages | 200 color plates, 55 halftones, 10 tables | 6 1/2 x 9 | © 2012
Art: Art--General Studies

Table of Contents
Anne Mette Hansen:
AM 421 12mo: An artefactual philological study
Lin Rosa Spaabæk:
The conservation and reconstruction of wax seals
Helena Strömquist & Maria Berggren:
Documenting bindings and provenance in collections of old prints: A presentation of the ProBok project
Margit J. Smith:
Die erste internationale Konferenz zur Erhaltung und Ausbesserung alter Handschriften
Caroline Bendix & Athanasios Velios:
Storing library collections: A workflow for packing and tracking items in the library of the St. Catherine Monastery, Sinai
Jane E. Klinger & Lynn Brostoff:
Analysis of written material from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Fenella G. France:
Advanced non-invasive spectral imaging for the preservation of manuscripts at the Library of Congress
Nikolas Sarris:
Seeing through the cover: Studying decorated book bindings at the Monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai
Fenke Prinsen:
Decision making on the cutting edge: Dealing with waste material used in bookbinding
Ingelise Nielsen:
The paper in Jammers Minde
Felix Albrecht:
Between boon and bane: The use of chemical reagents in palimpsest research in the nineteenth century
Sherry Guild, Christine McNair, Lynn Curry, Geneviève Samson & Judy Dietz:
The Salzines Antiphonal: The history and examination of a sixteenth-century liturgical manuscript
Oana Capatina, Ana-Maria Andrei & Marta Ursescu:
The ornament: Identifying the origin of a sixteenth-century Slavonic manuscript
Georgios Boudalis:
The conservation of an early sixteenth-century bound Greek manuscript: An insight into Byzantine bookbinding through conservation
Robert Fuchs:
Unrolling a papyrus: Investigations into an extraordinary 3500-year-old Book of the Dead
Jiří Vnouček & Marek Suchý:
The Prague Sacramentary: From manuscript folia back to animal skin
Ian Christie-Miller:
Watermark research: New light on the English Reformation
Marta Urescu, Sorin Ciovica, Teodor Malutan, Corina Malutan & Gabriela Lisa:
Iron gall inks in Romanian manuscripts: Between recipes and effects
Inês Correia:
Revelations of a thirteenth-century Bible: From archaeological evidence to digital display
Marleena Vihakara & Wiebke Marina Findeisen:
The digitisation and conservation of the National Library of Finland’s collection of Fragmenta membranea
Joy Boutrup:
Multiple-strand book markers and other book-connected textiles
Kouros Samanian:
Traditional or modern conservation materials and techniques? A case study of conservation methods during the binding of manuscripts at the Iranian Parliamentary Library
Gilllian Boal:
The Wellcome Library’s Arabic manuscripts: New protocols for surveying and cataloguing in the digitisation process
Jane Eagan:
Fit for a king: Evidence of the refurbishment of a group of medieval manuscripts for the library of Henry VIII
Nicole Golroy & Andrew Honey
The conservation of two composite Anselm manuscripts from the twelfth century: Two contrasting approaches?
Chiara Palandri & Anne Melgård:
A composite manuscript made by a composite man: Presentation of the conservation of eight manuscripts in a folder
Georgia Iona:
The devastating effects of adhesive tape: The conservation of a nineteenth-century Ottoman document
Luz Díaz Galán:
Conservation of a selection of Islamic manuscripts from the National Library of Spain
Francisco Trujillo:
From the master’s hand? A study of the working methods of the Master of Catherine of Cleves
Jacek Tomaszewski:
Libri viatici: Protection and usage of portable books in medieval Poland
Justyna Król, Weronika Liszewska & Władysław Sobucki:
Conservation of a fragment of a fourteenth-century illuminated French Bible: Tests of protein consolidants for flaking lead white pigment
John Gillis:
‘Book in a Bog’: The Fadden More Psalter, an update
Pamela Porter:
‘The dog that barked in the night’: The codex, clues, and curatorial conundrums
List of participants
Index of manuscripts
List of Figures
List of Tables
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