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Distributed for Bodleian Library Publishing

Book Curses

Featuring some of the most ferocious and humorous book curses ever inscribed, this is a lively, engaging introduction to the history and development of bookish maledictions.

Have you ever wanted to protect your books from forgetful borrowers, merciless page-folders, or outright thieves? Perhaps you have even wished harm on those who have damaged your books—but would you threaten them with hellfire, hanging, or the plague?

This book contains a collection of some of the most ferocious and humorous book curses ever inscribed—from fearsome threats discovered emblazoned on stone monuments from the ancient Near East to elaborate manuscript maledictions and chilling warnings scribbled in printed books. Book curses are entertaining writings in themselves, but they also offer a tantalizing insight into how passionately texts and books have been valued by their owners and readers over the centuries. Here you will find an engaging introduction to the history and development of the book curse and perhaps some inspiration to pen a few of your own.

128 pages | 4.65 x 7.24 | © 2024

History: General History

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Table of Contents

Introduction 1
Book Curses from Antiquity 13
The curse of Yahdun-Lim’s temple dedication 16
The curse of Hammurabi’s law stele 18
The curse of a Sefire treaty stele 19
The curse of Shalmaneser iv’s commemoration stele 20
The curse of Sargon ii’s memorial stele 21
A curse from the library of Ashurbanipal 22
Early Medieval Book Curses 25
The curse of Bishop Ælfsiga’s will 28
The curse of King Æthelred’s land grant 29
Constantius’ book curse 30
The Latin and Old English book curse of
Bishop Leofric of Exeter 31
A book curse threatening hell’s possession 33
A book curse blessing scribes and pushing thieves into hell 34
A book curse comparing Christ’s body to a manuscript page 35
High Medieval Book Curses 37
A book curse repeated every year by candlelight 39
Abbot Simon’s book curse 40
The book curse of the Abbey of Saints Mary & Nicholas, Arnstein 41
The book curse of Santa Maria della Colomba 42
The book curse of the Abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin 43
The year-long book curse of Rochester Priory 45
The book curse of Robert of Aldsworth 46
The book curse of the Ancrene Wisse 47
The curse of the Abbey of St Mary the Virgin, Robertsbridge 48
A simple book curse threatening hanging 49
A book curse praising scribes and damning thieves 50
The book curse of Newark Priory 51
Late Medieval Book Curses 53
A book curse in a manuscript containing volvelles 55
John Wryghtson’s book curse 56
The Gonville & Caius College book curse 57
A book curse threatening illness in this life and eternal damnation in the next 59
The book curse of William Wymondham 61
Pookefart’s book curse 62
William Bentley’s book curse invoking the Virgin Mary 63
A book curse inscribed in a chained book 64
A book curse that threatens hanging in two ways 66
John Hancok’s book curse 67
Eleanor Worcester’s book curse 68
John Twychener’s book curse 69
A missing book curse 70
John Audelay’s book curse 71
A book curse invoking God, Mary and all the saints 73
A book curse in a manuscript of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde 74
Agnes Lyell’s book curse 75
The two book curses of St Aldate’s Church, Gloucester 76
The two book curses of St Albans students attending Gloucester College, Oxford 77
A book curse threatening different punishments for thieving men and thieving women 78
The book curse of Petrus Leo Ortinus 79
A book curse in a music book for royalty 80
Dorothy Helbarton’s book curse 81
William Hok’s skin-rotting book curse 82
Hugh of Wollaston’s book curse 83
Early Modern Book Curses 85
An early modern book curse written in a late medieval manuscript 87
The University of Cambridge book curse 88
A Scots book curse written in an incunabulum 89
John Barclay’s book curse, written in a medical book 90
A book curse with the name scratched out 91
Robert Herrick’s ‘To Momus’ 92
Jean Gemel’s book curse 93
Gerard Cooper’s book curse 94
Mary Fearman’s book curse, written in a book of fairy tales 95
Elizabeth Parsons’ book curse 96
A curse in a book of chemistry lectures 97
Henry Pigot’s book curse 98
Modern Book Curses 99
John Clare’s book curse 101
David H. Hooper’s brain-beating book curse 102
Mary Lucretia Shelton’s book curse 103
A Newgate Gaol book curse 104
Edmund Lester Pearson’s hoax book curse 105
C.J. Peacock’s bookplate curse 106
Jenny’s journal book curse in Crome Yellow 107
Frank Barker’s book curse in Emily of New Moon 108
A cowboy’s bookplate curse 109
Malcolm M. Ferguson’s bookplate curse 110
John Simpson’s bookplate curse 111
Select Bibliography 112

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