Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Distributed for University of British Columbia Press
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Why do public issues like the environment rise and fall in importance over time? To what extent can the trends in salience be explained by real-world factors? To what degree are they the product of interactions between media content, public opinion, and policymaking? This book surveys the development of eight issues in Canada over a decade -- AIDS, crime, the debt/deficit, the environment, inflation, national unity, taxes, and unemployment -- to explore how the salience of issues changes over time, and to examine why these changes are important to our understanding of everyday politics. Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada offers one of the first empirical analyses of the interaction of the media, the public, and policymakers in Canada and, more generally, makes an important contribution to the study of political communications and policymaking well beyond the Canadian context.
Table of Contents
Tables and Figures
1 Introduction
2 Issues and Issue Types
3 The Media Agenda
4 The Public Agenda
5 The Policy Agenda
6 Modelling Agenda-Setting
7 Expanding the Models
8 Final Conclusions
A Time Series Methods and Agenda-Setting
B The Media Agenda
C The Public Agenda
D The Policy Agenda
E Real-World Indicators
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