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Distributed for Swedenborg Foundation Publishers


A Guided Tour of Heaven and Its Wonders

2nd Edition

Distributed for Swedenborg Foundation Publishers


A Guided Tour of Heaven and Its Wonders

2nd Edition

What happens to us after we die? What is heaven like? How do angels live? In his classic work Heaven and Hell, Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg gives readers a detailed road map to the afterlife, describing the process that our soul goes through after death, the nature of heaven and hell, angels and demons, all in meticulous detail. Afterlife is an abridged version of Heaven and Hell, with passages specially chosen to highlight the essence of Swedenborg’s work.

192 pages | 5.5 x 8.5

Religion: Christianity

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"I have not only been told how the awakening [from death] happens, I have been shown by firsthand experience. The actual experience happened to me so that I could have a full knowledge of how it occurs...

"It seemed as though the angels rolled back a covering from my left eye toward the center of my nose so that my eye was opened and able to see. To the spirit, it seems as though this were actually happening, but it is only apparently so. As this covering seemed to be rolled back, I could see a kind of clear but dim light like the light we see through our eyelids when we are first waking up. It seemed to me as though this clear, dim light had a heavenly color to it, but I was later told that this varies. After that, it felt as though something were being rolled gently off my face, and once this was done I had access to spiritual thought. This rolling something off the face is an appearance, for it represents the fact that we are moving from natural thinking to spiritual thinking. Angels take the greatest care to shield the awakening person from any concept that does not taste of love. Then they tell the individual that he or she is a spirit."

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