Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950
The Birth, Near Death, and Resurrection of a Scientific Research Institution
Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950
The Birth, Near Death, and Resurrection of a Scientific Research Institution
Drawing on his experience as historian of astronomy, practicing astrophysicist, and director of Lick Observatory, Donald Osterbrock uncovers a chapter in the history of astronomy by providing the story of the Yerkes Observatory.
"An excellent description of the ups and downs of a major observatory."—Jack Meadows, Nature
"Historians are much indebted to Osterbrock for this new contribution to the fascinating story of twentieth-century American astronomy."—Adriaan Blaauw, Journal for the History of Astronomy
"An important reference about one of the key American observatories of this century."—Woodruff T. Sullivan III, Physics Today
"An excellent description of the ups and downs of a major observatory."—Jack Meadows, Nature
"Historians are much indebted to Osterbrock for this new contribution to the fascinating story of twentieth-century American astronomy."—Adriaan Blaauw, Journal for the History of Astronomy
"An important reference about one of the key American observatories of this century."—Woodruff T. Sullivan III, Physics Today
The home page of Yerkes Observatory.
394 pages | 51 halftones | 6 x 9 | © 1996
Physical Sciences: History and Philosophy of Physical Sciences, Physics--Popular Books
Table of Contents
1: Birth, 1868-1897
2: Infancy, 1897-1904
3: Near Death, 1904-1932
4: The Savior, 1897-1931
5: The Boy President, 1929-1932
6: The Boy Director, 1932-1936
7: Resurrection on the Campus and at Yerkes, 1893-1937
8: Birth of McDonald Observatory, 1933-1939
9: An Extraordinarily Fine Group, 1936-1942
10: World War II, 1939-1945
11: Golden Years, 1945-1950
12: Epilogue: To the Centennial, 1950-1997
Abbreviations Used in Notes and Bibliography
1: Birth, 1868-1897
2: Infancy, 1897-1904
3: Near Death, 1904-1932
4: The Savior, 1897-1931
5: The Boy President, 1929-1932
6: The Boy Director, 1932-1936
7: Resurrection on the Campus and at Yerkes, 1893-1937
8: Birth of McDonald Observatory, 1933-1939
9: An Extraordinarily Fine Group, 1936-1942
10: World War II, 1939-1945
11: Golden Years, 1945-1950
12: Epilogue: To the Centennial, 1950-1997
Abbreviations Used in Notes and Bibliography
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