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The Tewa World

Space, Time, Being and Becoming in a Pueblo Society

"This is a book that springs from richness. . . valuable not only for anthropologists and sociologists. . . the interested but unskilled layman will find a treasure trove as well. One thing seems certain. If this book does not become THE authority for the scholar, it will certainly never be ignored. Ortiz has done himself and his people proud. They are both worthy of the acclamation."—The New Mexican

216 pages | 5.90 x 8.90 | © 1972

Anthropology: Cultural and Social Anthropology

Native American and Indigenous Studies

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. In the Beginning
3. The Dry Food People and the Dry Food Who Are No Longer
4. The Towa é
5. The Made People and the Dry Food Who Never Did Become
6. Summary and Conclusions

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