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Scholars and Their Kin

Historical Explorations, Literary Experiments

272 pages | 37 halftones | 6 x 9

Biography and Letters

History: General History

Table of Contents

Introduction: Recoveries, Excavations, Recastings
Stéphane Gerson

1. What’s in a Name? Defining Race and Class in a New Orleans Family
Leslie M. Harris
2. What Did I Do with the One I Lost?
Christine Détrez
3. The Diary of a Twelve-Year-Old Hostage: Erasure and Survival in Family Memories, Stories, and Archives
Martha Hodes
4. Peïra Cava, Hollow Stone: Family Stories, Gendered Silence
Stéphane Gerson
5. A Child of Loving
Martha S. Jones
6. Who Gave You Permission? Race, Colonialism, and Family Photography
Tao Leigh Goffe
7. Mine: Kinship in Deep Time on the Pennsylvania Salient
Amy Moran-Thomas
8. The Genre of Inheritance: Dancing with Grandma
Clare Hemmings
9. Beyond Taboo, Worship, and Irony: Tracing the War in My Family History
Marnix Beyen
10. Jack in the Fog
Christine Bard
Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer


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