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Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy

"[This book has] a wealth of clinical and technical detail. As a primer on psychotherapeutic technique this book will. . .bring knowledge and stimulation to the most advanced technician"—Karl A. Menninger

"One is continuously aware that here is a truly human being at work, human in the sense of exquisite awareness, on a profoundly intuitive level, of the workings of the human totality. . . . Because of this she can bridge the vast divide that separates us from the psychotic . . . thereby gaining access to the process of recalling the patient to his lost domain."—Louise E. DeRosis, M.D., American Journal of Psychoanalysis

264 pages | 5.25 x 8 | © 1960


Table of Contents

Part I. The Psychiatrist: Personal and Professional Requirements
I. Insight into the Emotional Aspects of the Doctor-Patient Relationship
II. The Psychiatrist’s Part in the Doctor-Patient Relationship
1. Listening as a Basic Psychotherapeutic Instrumentality
2. The Psychiatrist’s Need for Extra-professional Sources of Satisfaction and Security
3. Insight into the Interaction of Anxiety in Psychiatrist and Patient
III. The Psychiatrist’s Attitude toward Cultural and Ethical Values in Its Relatedness to the Goals of Psychotherapy
IV. Considerations of the Psychiatrist in the Establishment of the Treatment Situation
Part II. The Psychotherapeutic Process - The Patient and the Therapist
V. The Initial Interview
VI. Introductory Remarks on the Psychotherapeutic Procedure
VII. Associations, Marginal Thoughts, Physical Sensations, and Their Usage in Psychotherapy
1. Associations
2. Marginal Thoughts, Physical Sensations
VIII. Interpretation and Its Application
1. What To Interpret
a) Contents or Dynamics
b) Transference and Parataxic Distortions
c) Security Operations, Resistance
d) Intentional Blocking
e) "Acting Out"
2. How To Interpret
a) The Process of "Working Through"
b) The Central Dynamics of the Patient’s Difficulties
3. Timing of Interpretations
4. Interpretation of Special Mental Operations
a) Slips and Errors
b) Daydreams
c) Dreams
d) Hallucinations and Delusions
IX. How To Begin and How to Terminate a Psychotherapeutic Interview
X. Termination of Treatment
Part III. Adjuncts to Intensive Psychotherapy
XI. The Attitude of the Psychiatrist toward Intercurrent Events in the Lives of the Patient and of the Therapist
1. Suicidal Attempts
2. Death of Close Relatives or Friends
3. Pregnancy and Childbirth
4. Engagement, Marriage, and Divorce
5. Requests for Advice
6. Severe Illness and Accidents
7. Significant Events in the Life of the Psychiatrist
XII. Contacts with Relatives
Reference List

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