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Table of Contents


Part I: Beyond Reason: The Unconscious as a Bond for Humanity

1. The Kabbalistic Genesis of the Unconscious: Schelling’s Legacy

2. Schelling’s Jewish Receptions: Kabbalah and/as the Unconscious

3. The Margins of Reason: The Wissenschaft des Judentums, Kabbalah Studies, and the Emerging Science of the Mind

4. Emerson’s Oversoul, “American Religion,” and Kabbalistic Motives

Part II: The Mind as Battleground: The Collective Psyche in Jewish Thought and the Many Claims to the Unconscious

5. Jewish Spirit, National Spirit, and Absolute Spirit: Building Blocks of the Collective Unconscious and the Defense of Judaism

6. Völkerpsychologie: A Psychology of Culture against a Race-Based Spirit

7. The Unconscious as Mystique? Hartmann’s Philosophy of the Unconscious and Its Jewish Critics

8. The “Retrospective Unconscious”: Reading the Jewish Tradition as Psychology






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