North of Slavery
The Negro in the Free States
North of Slavery
The Negro in the Free States
". . . no American can be pleased with the treatment of Negro Americans, North and South, in the years before the Civil War. In his clear, lucid account of the Northern phase of the story Professor Litwack has performed a notable service."—John Hope Franklin, Journal of Negro Education
"For a searching examination of the North Star Legend we are indebted to Leon F. Litwack. . . ."—C. Vann Woodward, The American Scholar
"For a searching examination of the North Star Legend we are indebted to Leon F. Litwack. . . ."—C. Vann Woodward, The American Scholar
Table of Contents
1. Slavery to Freedom
2. The Federal Government and the Free Negro
3. The Politics of Repression
4. Education: Separate and Unequal
5. The Economics of Repression
6. The Church and the Negro
7. Abolitionism: White and Black
8. The Crisis of the 1850’s
Bibliographic Essay
2. The Federal Government and the Free Negro
3. The Politics of Repression
4. Education: Separate and Unequal
5. The Economics of Repression
6. The Church and the Negro
7. Abolitionism: White and Black
8. The Crisis of the 1850’s
Bibliographic Essay
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