Hand and Mind
What Gestures Reveal about Thought
Hand and Mind
What Gestures Reveal about Thought
423 pages | 88 line drawings, 28 tables | 6 x 9 | © 1995
Cognitive Science: Human and Animal Cognition
Language and Linguistics: General Language and Linguistics
Psychology: General Psychology
Table of Contents
Pt. 1: Setting the Stage
1: Images, Inside and Out
2: Conventions, Gestures, and Signs
Pt. 2: Varieties of Gesture
3: Guide to Gesture Classification, Transcription, and Distribution
4: Gestures of the Concrete
5: Experiment on Gestures of the Concrete
6: Gestures of the Abstract
Pt. 3: Theory
7: Gestures and Discourse
8: Self-Organization of Gesture and Speech
9: How Gestures Affect Thought
10: Experiments on Self-Organization
Pt. 4: Topics
11: Children
12: The Brain
Appendix: Procedures for Eliciting, Recording, Coding, and Experimenting with Gestures
The University of Chicago Press: Gordon J. Laing Award
Association of American Publishers: PROSE Book Award
Honorable Mention
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