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Checking the Costs of War

Sources of Accountability in Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy

368 pages | 20 halftones, 20 line drawings, 21 tables | 6 x 9

Political Science: Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, and International Relations

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Chapter 1. Unfettered Foreign Policy? Domestic Checks on Presidential Powers after 9/11
   Sarah E. Kreps and Douglas L. Kriner
Chapter 2. Purely Partisan Warriors? Legislative Rhetoric in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars
   Sarah E. Kreps and Douglas L. Kriner
Chapter 3. Varieties of Bipartisanship: How Democrats and Republicans Align on Foreign and Domestic Policy
   Jordan Tama
Chapter 4. Cassandra’s Reward: The Electoral Benefits of Early Opposition to an Unpopular War
   Benjamin O. Fordham
Chapter 5. Congressional Midterms, Presidential Reelection, and US Foreign Policy
   Christopher Dictus and Philip B. K. Potter
Chapter 6. Modern Day Minutemen? Public Opinion and Reserve Component Mobilization
   Jessica D. Blankshain and Lindsay P. Cohn
Chapter 7. Gender and the Political Costs of War: Partisan Cues, Gender Heuristics, and the Politics of Public Opposition to War
   Aaron Childree, Katherine Krimmel, Max Palmer, and Douglas L. Kriner
Chapter 8. Nondominant Communal Groups and Casualty Sensitivity: Evidence from Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States
   Ronald R. Krebs and Robert Ralston
Chapter 9. “Hand to Hand Combat”: Bureaucratic Politics and National Security
   Andrew Rudalevige
Chapter 10. War Powers, the “Deep State,” and Insurrection
   Rebecca Ingber
Chapter 11. A Post-GWOT Syndrome? Institutional Response, Public Opinion, and the Future of US Foreign Policy
   Sarah E. Kreps and Douglas L. Kriner

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