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Katja Rivera

Katja Rivera is a Chicago-based art historian and curator. She was formerly assistant curator, Logan Center Exhibitions at the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago, where she curated the exhibition Harold Mendez: The years now. Her recent curatorial projects include Traduttore, Traditore (Gallery 400, University of Illinois at Chicago), which explored translation beyond its linguistic meaning in contemporary practices. Rivera has worked in curatorial departments at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University, and at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she helped organize the first U.S. solo-presentation of the Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral. Rivera holds an MA in art history from the University of Texas at Austin and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She specializes in modern and contemporary art with a focus on experimental practices in Mexico.


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