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Displaying 251 to 260 results of approximately 1,453 total results.
  • ... Susannah Riordan Home Authors Susannah Riordan Years of Turbulence The Irish Revolution and Its Aftermath Diarmaid Ferriter April 2016 ...


  • ... Heather Crawford Home Authors Heather Crawford Outside the Glow Protestants and Irishness in Independent Ireland Heather Crawford January 2010 ...


  • Standish O'Grady

    ... pervasive influence of classical scholarship upon the Irish intellectual life of the period’. O’Grady ... classical Greece as a model for Ireland. © 2004 Classics of Irish History University College Dublin Press ... Contents Table of Contents Part I Sun and Wind - An Irish sunrise A little epic and a small hero ...


  • John Montague

    ... and Irish Literature, General Criticism and Critical Theory Poetry University College Dublin Press ... diversity of contemporary Irish poetry and its criticism. It also offers the opportunity to consider how ... several important Irish poets have variously gone about the challenge of professing poetry in the ...


  • ... Gladys Ganiel Home Authors Gladys Ganiel Evangelical Journeys Choice and Change in a Northern Irish Religious Subculture Claire Mitchell May 2011 ...


  • ... Claire Mitchell Home Authors Claire Mitchell Evangelical Journeys Choice and Change in a Northern Irish Religious Subculture Claire Mitchell May 2011 ...


  • ... Irish Industrial Viability,1948-73 Peter Murray January 2009 ...


  • ... Paul Darby Home Authors Paul Darby Gaelic Games, Nationalism and the Irish Diaspora in the United States Paul Darby August 2009 ...


  • ... John Wilson Foster Home Authors John Wilson Foster Recoveries Neglected Episodes in Irish Cultural History 1860-1912 John Wilson Foster January 2019 ...


  • Edited by Tina O'Toole, Gillian McIntosh, and Muireann O'Cinneide

    ... literary expressions of war have long been neglected and at times forgotten in Irish scholarship. In ... Ni Fhaircheallaigh's Irish language activism in and beyond the Gaelic League, Emily Lawless's Boer ... , war writing, and the politics of Irish warfare, the authors of Women Writing War explore the ways in ...


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