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Displaying 241 to 250 results of approximately 1,453 total results.
  • ... Barbara O Connor Home Authors Barbara O Connor Mapping Irish Media Critical Explorations John Horgan July 2007 ...


  • ... Alan Bairner Home Authors Alan Bairner Sport and the Irish Histories, Identities, Issues Alan Bairner October 2004 ...


  • ... Michele Finelli Home Authors Michele Finelli Nation/Nazione Irish Nationalism and the Italian Risorgimento Michele Finelli March 2013 ...


  • ... Michael Cronin Home Authors Michael Cronin Irish Drama in Poland Staging and Reception, 1900-2000 Barry Keane October 2016 ...


  • ... Matthew Barlow Home Authors Matthew Barlow Griffintown Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood Matthew Barlow June 2017 ...


  • ... Tom Garvin Home Authors Tom Garvin Dissecting Irish Politics Essays in Honour of Brian Farrell Tom Garvin May 2004 ...


  • ... Richard Sinnot Home Authors Richard Sinnot Dissecting Irish Politics Essays in Honour of Brian Farrell Tom Garvin May 2004 ...


  • ... Adrian Clark Home Authors Adrian Clark British and Irish Art 1945–1951 From War to Festival Adrian Clark March 2020 ...


  • ... Aoife Bhreatnach Home Authors Aoife Bhreatnach Becoming Conspicuous Irish Travellers, Society and the State, 1922-70 Aoife Bhreatnach September 2006 ...


  • ... Anne O Connor Home Authors Anne O Connor Nation/Nazione Irish Nationalism and the Italian Risorgimento Michele Finelli March 2013 ...


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