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Displaying 91 to 100 results of approximately 1,453 total results.
  • Edited by Charlotte Gauthier

    ... History: British and Irish History Paul Holberton Publishing Reviews Table of contents Excerpt Gallery ...


  • ... Ivan Gibbons Home Authors Ivan Gibbons Ivan Gibbons, former Director of Irish Studies at St Mary’s ... University, Twickenham and founding editor of Irish Studies, received the Irish Post Community Award ... for services to the Irish community and is the author of Drawing the Line: The Irish Border in ...


  • ... Peter Gray Home Authors Peter Gray Peter Gray is professor of modern Irish history and director of ... the Institute of Irish Studies at Queen’s University Belfast. He is the author of a number of books ... , including The Making of the Irish Poor Law 1815–43 and Famine, Land and Politics: British ...


  • ... Sonja Tiernan Home Authors Sonja Tiernan Sonja Tiernan is the Eamon Cleary Professor of Irish ... Studies and codirector of the Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Otago, New ... Zealand.   Irish Women’s Speeches, Volume II A Rich Chorus of Voices Sonja Tiernan March 2023 Irish ...


  • ... studies, gender studies and architecture. Our Press has a special focus on Irish Studies. Our books are ... Another Race: Roger Casement’s Congo Report and 1903 Diary Explaining Irish Democracy Europe’s Old ... Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37 Moral Monopoly: Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in ...


  • ... Luke Gibbons Home Authors Luke Gibbons Luke Gibbons has taught as professor of Irish Studies at ... Maynooth University, Ireland, and the University of Notre Dame and has published widely on Irish ... culture and criticism. James Joyce and the Irish Revolution The Easter Rising as Modern Event Luke Gibbons ...


  • ... Mel Farrell Home Authors Mel Farrell Mel Farrell has published widely on the politics of the Irish ... Free State. He is currently a lecturer in Irish history at Carlow College, St Patrick’s.  Vying for ... Victory The 1923 General Election in the Irish Free State Elaine Callinan November 2023 ...


  • ... Dublin and has published in the field of Irish electoral politics. She is currently a lecturer of ... modern Irish history at Carlow College, St Patrick’s.  Vying for Victory The 1923 General Election in the Irish Free State Elaine Callinan November 2023 ...


  • ... Limerick. Her publications include The Irish New Woman, Irish Literature: Feminist Perspectives (co ... -edited with Patricia Coughlan), Documenting Irish Feminisms (co-authored with Linda Connolly), and ...


  • ... Principle in Plutarch’s Moralia Shakespeare and the Irish Writer I, Grape; or The Case for Fiction Ireland ... Patrick Gallagher Broken Line: Denis Devlin and Irish Poetic Modernism Mirrors of Virtue The Book of ... Glasheen.195 Views from the Inside Bearing Witness: Essays on Anglo- Irish Literature Endangered ...


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