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Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe

Concepts and Conditions

We assume that freedom of the press is guaranteed in a democratic society. But, in Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe, researchers from twelve countries reveal that it is all too frequently a freedom that is taken for granted. In turn, they examine media systems throughout Europe and report on their conditions for independence and pluralism. Contributors to this volume discuss press freedom and diversity through several case studies involving such countries as the Baltics, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Finland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. This volume provides a critical basis from which to evaluate media freedom in the United States, and will consequently be of interest to scholars of media and communication studies.

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Table of Contents

Introduction: Structural Inhibition of Media Freedom and Plurality across Europe
Andrea Czepek, Melanie Hellwig and Eva Nowak
Part One: Concepts
Measuring Media Freedom: Approaches of International Comparison
Markus Behmer
Pluralism and Participation as Desired Results of Press Freedom: Measuring Media System Performance
Andrea Czepek
Is the Clash of Rationalities Leading Nowhere? Media Pluralism in European Regulatory Policies
Beata Klimkiewicz
The Challenges of ICT to Media Pluralism
Lilia Raycheva
Press Freedom and Pluralism on the Micro Level: Journalistic Qualifications and Professionalization
Eva Nowak
Media Systems, Equal Rights and the Freedom of the Press: Gender as a Case in Point
Elisabeth Klaus
Media Governance and Media Quality Management: Theoretical Concepts and an Empirical Example from Switzerland
Vinzenz Wyss and Guido Keel
Part Two: Conditions (Case Studies)
Assessing Pluralism and the Democratic Performance of the Media in a Small Country: Setting a Comparative Research Agenda for the Baltic States

Aukse Balcytiene

Media in Poland and Public Discourse
Ryszard Filas and Pawel Planeta
Mass Media Developments in Bulgaria
Lilia Raycheva
Press Freedom and Media Pluralism in Romania: Facts, Myths and Paradoxes
Mihai Coman
Media Freedom and Pluralism in the United Kingdom (UK)
Peter Humphreys
Mind the Gap? Press Freedom and Pluralism in Finland
Inka Salovaara-Moring
Pre-Conditions for Press Freedom in Germany
Andrea Czepek, Melanie Hellwig and Eva Nowak
The Austrian Media System: Strong Media Conglomerates and an Ailing Public Service Broadcaster
Martina Thiele
Pluralism in the French Broadcasting System: Between the Legacy of History and the Challenges of New Technologies
Thierry Vedel
The Freedom of the Spanish Press
Ingrid Schulze-Schneider
Pluralism of Information in the Television Sector in Italy: History and Contemporary Conditions
Cinzia Padovani
The Authors

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