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Distributed for Newberry Library

Cartographic Treasures of the Newberry Library

What makes a map a treasure? Cartographic Treasures of the Newberry Library is an extended meditation on this simple question that defines a simple answer. The maps in this catalogue were selected from the approximately 300,000 historic maps in Chicago’s Newberry Library. They include many of the Library’s oldest, rarest, and most exquisite maps—treasures in the conventional sense of the word. But there are also "common" maps that are treasures because they capture so well the spirit of their age, illuminating the geographical outlook of the people who made and used them.

104 pages | 23 color plates 57 halftones | 11 x 8-1/2 | © 2002

Geography: Cartography

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"Readers interested in a good list of materials to be perused in the study of the history of cartography can use this document to identify some of the best material available."

Paul D. McDermott | Imago Mundi

Cartographic Treasures is a beautifully designed exhibit catalogue containing splendid reproductions and enlightening captions, providing the reader with an understanding of the cartographic value and importance of each map and, consequently, the reasons for its designation as a ‘treasure.’”

Stephen W. Rogers | WAML Information Bulletin

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