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The People Shall Judge, Volume I, Part 1

The People Shall Judge provides a complete set of readings for courses in American history and political science and for general social science courses. The editors have assembled more than 250 readings which illustrate the great controversies in America’s past, the issues involved in forming American public policy yesterday and today.

These selections have been drawn from systematic philosophies; from opinions expressed in law and judicial decisions; from speeches or pamphlets struck off in the heat of controversy; from political and diplomatic correspondence. They are grouped to focus attention on the perennial issues of liberty, equality, and security in about a dozen significant periods of American history. Volume I, Part 1, begins with a consideration of truth and liberty in the seventeenth century, continues with a study of the issues of the American Revolution, and concludes with a study of the Confederation and the Constitution.

The organization of the readings puts the issues in the context of four fundamental relationships: the citizen and the economy (and, within the economy, the interrelations of major interest groups); the federal union and the states; the United States and the world. The best available texts have been used. Introductions and explanatory notes relate the readings to one another, suggest the circumstances in which they were written, and provide biographical information about the authors.

358 pages | 6.50 x 9.50 | © 1949

History: American History

Table of Contents

Part 1
Unit 1. Authority and Liberty in the Seventeenth Century
Section A. Authority and Liberty in Colonial America
1. The Mayflower Compact
2. John Cotton, Equality and Inequality in Puritan Massachusetts
3. John Winthrop, On Early New England Economy
4. John Winthrop, On Liberty
5. Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 1641
6. Roger Williams, A Plea for Religious Liberty
7. William Penn, Frame of Government of Pennsylvania, 1682
8. John Wise, Democracy in Church and State
Section B. Authority and Liberty in England
1. Property and Suffrage
2. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
3. The English Bill of Rights of 1688-89
4. John Locke, Second Treatise...on Civil Government
5. John Locke, On Toleration
Unit II. The American Revolution
Section A. The Revolutionary Debate
1. Adam Smith, Colonial Policy and Mercantilism
2. Benjamin Franklin, A Plan for Colonial Union
3. The Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765
4. The Declaratory Act, 1766
5. Frontier Grievances
6. Declaration of Colonial Rights: Resolutions of the First Continental Congress, 1774
7. Declaration of Taking Up Arms: Resolutions of the Second Continental Congress, 1775
8. Samuel Johnson, Taxation No Tyranny
9. Jonathan Boucher, On Civil Liberty, Passive Obedience, and Nonresistance
10. Thomas Paine, Common Sense
11. The Declaration of Independence, 1776
Section B. Democracy and Aristocracy in the New Republic
1. The Virginia Declaration of Rights
2. John Adams, On Government
3. Thomas Jefferson, Government and Liberty
4. Benjamin Franklin, Representation and Suffrage
5. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, On Aristocracy
Unit III. Confederation and Constitution
1. The Articles of Confederation
2. George Washington, On Disbanding the Army
3. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
4. Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
5. The Constitution of the United States
6. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist
7. Thomas Jefferson, On the Constitution
8. "Federal Farmer," Anti-Federalist Opposition to the Constitution
Part 2
Unit IV. Economic Problems of Economic Liberalism
Section A. Problems of Economic Liberalism
1. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Section B. The Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian Systems
1. Alexander Hamilton, First Report on the Public Credit
2. Thomas Jefferson, Remarks on the Hamiltonian System
3. Alexander Hamilton, Report on Manufactures, 1791
4. Thomas Jefferson, The Merits of Agriculture
5. Thomas Jefferson, Against the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
6. Alexander Hamilton, For the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
7. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
Unit V. Constitutional Problems of the New Republic
1. Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798
2. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
3. Marbury v. Madison
4. Fletcher v. Peck
5. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
6. McCulloch v. Maryland
7. Gibbons v. Ogden
Unit VI. The Beginnings of American Foreign Policy
1. George Washington, Alliances and National Interest
2. George Washington, the Farewell Address, 1796
3. Thomas Jefferson, On the Louisiana Purchase
4. The Monroe Doctrine
Unit VII. Equality in Jacksonian Democracy
Section A. The Nature of Equalitarian Society
1. Alexis de Tocqueville, On Democracy in America
Section B. Property and Suffrage
1. Debate in the New York Constitutional Convention, 1821
2. A Plea for a Wider Suffrage
Section C. The Beginnings of Organized Labor
1. The Boston Carpenters’ Strike, 1825
2. Preamble of the Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations, 1827
3. Resolutions of the New York Mechanics, 1829
4. People v. Fisher
5. Commonwealth v. Hunt
Section D. Public Education
1. A Plea for Public Education
2. Horace Mann, The Importance of Universal, Free, Public Education
Section E. The Politics of Business Enterprise
1. Henry Clay, The American System
2. Ways and Means Committee, Congressional Report on the Second Bank of the United States
3. Andrew Jackson, Veto of the Bank Renewal Bill
4. William M. Gouge, History of Paper Money
5. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
Section F. Moral Responsibility and the Individual
1. Henry David Thoreau, On Civil Disobedience
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Man the Reformer
Unit VIII. The Crisis in the Federal Union
Section A. Controversy over the Nature of the Federal Union
1. John C. Calhoun, The True Nature of Constitutional Government
2. Daniel Webster, Excerpts from His Second Reply to Hayne, 1830
Section B. Slavery and Equality
1. George Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South or the Failure of Free Society
Section C. Westward and Expansion and Sectional Conflict
1. John L. O’Sullivan, The Great Nations of Futurity
2. John L. O’Sullivan, Annexation
3. Dred Scott v. Sandford
4. Abraham Lincoln, Springfield Speech, 1857
5. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858
6. Party Platforms of 1860
Section D. The Civil War and Reconstruction
1. Mississippi Resolutions of Secession, 1860
2. Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, 1861
3. Abraham Lincoln, Letter to Horace Greeley
4. Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation
5. Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1863
6. Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, 1865
7. Ex Parte Milligan
8. Mississippi Black Code, 1865
9. Constitution and Ritual of The Knights of the White Camelia
10. Civil Rights Cases
11. Plessy v. Ferguson

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