Trial transcipt from
Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf
A Classic Case in Comparative Perspective
by Carlo Ginzburg and Bruce Lincoln
This page has the trial transcript comprising chapter one of Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf by Carlo Ginzburg and Bruce Lincoln. The transcript is from the hearings at the provincial court of Venden on April 28, 1691 concerning an inhabitant of Kaltenbrunn named Old Thiess, “with regard to lycanthropy and other prohibited and impious acts.”
The transcript was filed in the Hofger-Archiv Kriminalakte n. 30 v. J. 1692 and was first published by Hermann von Bruiningk, in his article “Der Werwolf in Livland und das letzte im Wendenschen Landgericht und Dörptschen Hofgericht i. J. 1692 deshalb stattgehabte Strafverfahren,” Mitteilungen aus der livländischen Geschichte 22 (1924– 28): 203–20. It is translated by Bruce Lincoln. The file is in PDF format.
Trial Transcript [PDF] |