Audiovisual Supplements for

Brandeis Modern Hebrew

Vardit Ringvald, Bonit Porath, Yaron Peleg, Esther Shorr, and Sara Hascal

This page accesses the audiovisual supplements that accompany Brandeis Modern Hebrew. These supplementary materials were originally produced for a CD containing PDFs with embedded audio. We recommend that you download all the PDFs at the links below and put them in a folder that you can easily access. The PDFs will only fully work with Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available as for free from Adobe.

The first time you click to play a selection you may see a yellow “security” bar at the top of your browser:

In the “Options” drop down, select “Trust this document always” and/or “Trust this document once” to enable audio playback. Each unit is a different PDF, so you may have to repeat this selection for each unit you access.