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“No one knows rural China better than Scott Rozelle. In this brilliant, original, thought‑provoking, and important study, Rozelle and Natalie Hell not only make China’s potential human capital crisis visible, but provide actionable solutions based on rigorous research.”— Hongbin Li, James Liang Director of the China Program, Stanford University
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“For years, allies of big medicine have argued that bigger is better. Dranove and Burns take on that argument and show it is not true. They point out how big medicine is failing, and how it can be reformed. This book is wonderfully informed and thoughtfully presented.”—David Cutler, Harvard University
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“A tour de force. Bankrupt in America shows the interplay among state and federal legislation, economic conditions, social stigma, and the role of certain individuals in accounting for changes over time and across states. The authors offer an institutional and cliometric account that deftly draws on economics, history, law and political science.”—Lee J. Alston, Indiana University
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“Nelson presents a meticulously researched, exquisitely detailed exposition of Friedman’s work, ranging from his contributions to economic research to his efforts to improve public policy. This book is a definitive resource for appreciating Milton Friedman’s influence in economics and public policy.”—Athanasios Orphanides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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This ninth phase of the International Social Security project, which studies the experiences of twelve developed countries, examines the effects of public pension reform on employment at older ages. The studies in this volume explore how financial incentives to work at older ages have evolved as a result of public pension reforms since 1980 and how these changes have affected retirement behavior. Utilizing a common template to analyze the developments across countries, the findings suggest that social security reforms have strengthened the financial returns to working at older ages and that these enhanced financial incentives have contributed to the rise in late‑life employment.
National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report
Cloth $145.00